Thursday, October 31, 2019
Livestock Husbandry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Livestock Husbandry - Essay Example Scientific processes have been developed to boost the results needed to gain maximum profit, that have incorporated, natural elements to double what is needed for the owner to articulate their efforts. Artificial insemination and the transfer of the embryo are the common measures, which have been applied to alter the desired expectation when the need is to accelerate the breed under consideration. The alteration in the genetic composition, in animal husbandry, has generated resistant breeds that are capable of adjusting to the harsh environment, while keeping at a constant the production yield acquired. The success cases are witnessed in the genetic alteration applied in cattle breeds and poultry. New breeds have been successfully developed to suit the subjections presented to attempt to establish an appropriate type. Aberdeen Angus is a breed of cattle that has been reared for the purpose of withstanding harsh conditions to produce meat (Pulling 2008, p3). This paper seeks to highli ght the husbandry system in the cattle breed with measures applied to sustain the breed in yielding better results. Development of the breed The breed was developed around the 19th century from the polled, and the black cattle doddies and hummlies. The term polled applied when referring to the breed has been used to present its appearance that they lack horns (Trow-Smith 2006, p32). The breed comes in black or red type with a distinctive white udder appearing, on fewer cases, across some breeds. The mostly known breed among the cow breed is the Black Angus with the red type rarely in variable countries (Pulling 2008, p12). Aberdeen Angus presents numerous benefits to find it suitable when conducting the husbandry process promising to be outstanding to the other cattle breeds. The breed has been applied in crossbreeding to produce breeds that give an accelerated carcass quality with an added milk production level. The distinctive feature in Aberdeen Angus is its resistance level that is proven to bear harsh weather conditions and develop a high maturity rate. The breed presents less difficulty in the husbandry process with its demand falling short of other breeds. The ravelled provisions in owning the Aberdeen Angus breed lie in maximum output from a minimal input. Characteristics The breed presents advantages in its rearing process and the measures applied in its feeding program. Firstly, the breed possesses a calving ease with the calf capable of fending from the mother within minutes of birth. The mother’s present exemplary milking ability with the instinct to provide for the calf, hence the farmer generates a high level milk production. The breed matures early and has a heightened fertility rate. It has been recorded to present a high Stayability measure, and this is advantageous in husbandry when the numbers increase to improve production. The breed is also polled hence reducing on the need to dehorn the species reducing the dangers associated with the entity. The breed is resistant to complications brought by sunburn and eye cancer. The breed has been known to produce a high quality rated meat that has developed an interest in the breed’s husbandry program. Their resistance favours a supplementary feeding program that allows them to graze and acquire external shelter. Feeding Programme The requirements needed in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Separting the Components of Panacetin Essay Example for Free
Separting the Components of Panacetin Essay The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the composition of a simulated pharmaceutical preparation Panacetin, a proposed type of pain-killer. Panacetin is typically made up of sucrose, aspirin, and acetaminophen, but the third component in this experiment is unknown. The unknown component is suspected to be a chemical relative of acetaminophen, either acetanilide or phenacetin. Using techniques such as extraction, evaporation, and filtration, the three components will be isolated based on their solubilities and acid-base properties. The percent composition of Panacetin will also be deduced based on the masses of the three dried components; this is done to verify the composition attained is consistent with those listed on the preparations label. As a result of this investigation, my teammates and I allowed the Panacetin to undergo gravity filtration and separation techniques in order to identify whether there are any discrepancies in the components of the Panacetin. Furthermore, recrystallization and purification methods were used to determine if the unknown substance were similar in properties to either of the suspected unknown substances by comparing factors such as melting points to the chemical properties of phenactin and acetanilide. The results were as expected, based on the molecular weights and ratios of each separated chemicals, as well as the boiling point of the unknown it was determined that these ranges were close enough to indicate that the label is reasonably accurate in its composition. To add on however the identity of the unknown component differed from what the label indicated. In the end, the percentage composition attained based on our observations and yield confirmed that indeed the chemical composition of Panacetin were as indicated on the preparations label. The identity of the unknown component however suggested that the preparation did not contain acetaminophen as indicated, but instead was consistent with the chemical properties of acetanilide.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance Of Exercise And Diet Health And Social Care Essay
Importance Of Exercise And Diet Health And Social Care Essay Exercise and diet is considered to be an important determinant of health and sickness. Historically, a fat child means a healthy child, one who is free from infection. Today obesity or overweight in children, very often related to degenerative diseases is mainly due to improper exercise and dietary pattern. According to World Health Organization (2004), Body Mass Index between 25 and 29.99 is considered as overweight. Overweight is associated with the onset of major chronic diseases leading to complications and problems in children and adult. Childhood obesity/overweight is very often a risk factor for obesity in adulthood, compared to adult onset obesity. Hence close monitoring of overweight and taking timely preventive measures will be an effective approach in dealing with the problems. Incidence of childhood overweight is on the rise since last few decades and is still continuing to rise. Since the 1970s, the prevalence of overweight children has more than doubled for preschoolers ages 2-5 years and adolescents aged 12-19 years and it has more than tripled for children 6-11 years. Nearly one third of children and adolescents of both sexes, aged 6-19 years (30%) are considered to be either at risk for overweight (The Center for Health and Healthcare in Schools 2005). The transition in nutrition, sedentary life style, lack of exercise, increased television watching, computer addiction, improper dietary pattern adopted by children today are the major causes for overweight seen in children. The World Health Organization has identified school as important settings for promotion of physical activity among children. Physical education provided at school, is an ideal way to encourage activity and develop fitness among children. For this reason, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE), and the American Heart Association all recommended comprehensive daily physical education for children Kindergarten to 12th standard. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge on body weight and its maintenance among overweight children and to assess the effectiveness of self instructional booklet. The conceptual frame work used for this study was based on titler et al (2004) effectiveness model. A quasi experimental pre test post test control group design was used to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional booklet on body weight and its maintenance among over weight children.The study was conducted in a selected school with a sample of 60 overweight children studying in 7th to 12th standard; samples were selected by purposive sampling method. First 30 samples were assigned to the control group and the next 30 samples were assigned to the experimental group. The tool for this study was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 2 parts.Part I was developed to assess the knowledge of over weight children in relation to body weight, diet and exercise. Each were consisted of 5 multiple response questions. Part II consisted of selected demographic variables such as age, educational qualification of father and mother, occupation of father and mother, family income, items at home, family food type and items. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Demographic characteristics Demographic characteristics presents that almost in both the groups the children under the age group of 12-14 years, had family income above 10,000 and major facilities like television, bike and cycle. And most of the fathers were private employees and mothers were nonworking. All the mothers are literate and majority 20 23(66.7% 76.7 %) of children in both the groups had Body Mass Index value between 25 and 27.5. Body weight and its maintenance Overweight children were grouped into two, experimental group and control group. It was noted that in both the groups the knowledge of children assessed were almost similar in before intervention. In after intervention children gained knowledge in experimental group and children remained same knowledge in control group. Significant Finding Statistically there was no significant differences in the knowledge score between experimental and control group before intervention and statistically there is a significant difference of knowledge in experimental group between before and after intervention. This increase in knowledge of the experimental group could be attributed to the self-instructional booklet. CONCLUSION Good health leads to a normal life. To promote the health of the child and reduce the danger of over weight and obesity, it is important that children are encouraged to engage in some form of physical activity on a regular basis and good dietary pattern. These above facts highlight the need for self discipline in a child to live a healthy and active life. People are more lethargic when compared to their ancestors. Earlier children spent the majority of their free time playing outdoor games which meant that they were automatically getting more physical activity. Currently there are more organized sports activities but only fewer children participate in them. Many prefer to play video games or watch television which is assisting in their weight gain. The remote control, video games, the automobile, television, and to some extent the computer are all part of the environment which discourage people from being physically active. Healthy eating and exercise habits should be thought as a pair, one cannot go without the other, for the childs best health.This can be developed only through education. There is lot of education available today through magazines, televison, posters; internet etc. But these children dont show any interest in that. Perhaps material is readily available in hand; children will read it and may follow it. LIMITATIONS Exact response cannot be expected from the children. These self-reported data may not exactly reflect the reality of respondents. IMPLICATIONS The study has its implication in nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration, nursing research, social pediatrics and community. Nursing Practice Nursing professionals can provide a better frame work for healthy life style and school based programs. Nurses understand the biologic, psychological, causative and social aspects of being an overweight and their impact on health. The nurse can render awareness through education of the parents and children at the school, hospital and community level.The nurse can also improve the knowledge of parents, children and school teachers by conducting education awareness program and by counseling. A healthy life style is important for the proper growth and development. Guidance and Counseling services should be arranged timely, provided with adequate knowledge, positive support to make the child as a healthy member of society in future. Nursing Education Findings of the study have some implication for nursing education. The health care system pays more attention on the training of nursing students and school teachers. So that they will acquire more knowledge and will be able to help oneself in knowing the importance of healthy lifestyle. Motivation to change and psychological counseling technique is the key to any lifestyle intervention. Teaching about healthy diet and the importance of maintaining moderate physical activity in young children is important as obesity is more easily prevented than treated. It is important to begin preventive efforts early in childhood. Nursing Administration Nursing administrators should be necessarily involved in formulating policies for health education program in the school, hospital as well as community settings. All the heath education and school based program should integrate education on healthy diet and regular physical activity in children. Nursing Research There is a need for extensive research in this area. The findings of the study help to expand the scientific body of knowledge upon which further research can be conducted. In the Community The community health nurse has an important role as health educator, health promoter and health protector in the community. During home visits the nurse can identify the vulnerable overweight children and observe different lifestyle adopted by the family and children. Nursing personnel working in the community should be given in service education to update and improve their knowledge regarding overweight and life style practices. Within the healthcare community, the multidisciplinary team might include a primary physician, a diabetic educator, a nurse, a dietitian, a fitness counselor and a social worker as well as the patient and family. Educating and counseling the obese and over weight children and their parents through media is vital. Healthcare professionals should also become involved in setting up new community programs to promote healthy lifestyle. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of the study, the investigator proposed the following recommendations. A replication of present study can be done with large sample. Maximum publicity should be given through mass media for educating knowledge among children regarding body weight and its maintenance. A similar type of comparative study can be done between urban and rural settings. A present study can be conducted with long duration by assessing BMI and Lifestyle practices before and after intervention.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Cowardly Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Scarlet Letter: The Cowardly and Weak Dimmesdale  In the book The Scarlet Letter, the character Reverend Dimmesdale, a very religious man, committed adultery, which was a sin in the Puritan community. Of course, this sin could not be committed alone. His partner was Hester Prynne. Hester was caught with the sinning only because she had a child named Pearl. Dimmesdale was broken down by Roger Chillinsworth, Hester Prynne’s real husband, and by his own self-guilt. Dimmesdale would later confess his sin and die on the scaffold. Dimmesdale was well known by the community and was looked up to by many religious people. But underneath his religious mask he is actually the worst sinner of them all. His sin was one of the greatest sins in a Puritan community. The sin would eat him alive from the inside out causing him to become weaker and weaker, until he could not stand it anymore. In a last show of strength he announces his sin to the world, but dies soon afterwards. In the beginning Dimmesdale is a weak, reserved man. Because of hi s sin his health regresses more and more as the book goes on, yet he tries to hide his sin beneath a religious mask. By the end of the book he comes forth and tells the truth, but because he had hidden the sin for so long he is unable to survive. Dimmesdale also adds suspense to the novel to keep the reader more interested in what Reverend Dimmesdale is hiding and his hidden secrets. Therefore Dimmesdale’s sin is the key focus of the book to keep the reader interested. Dimmesdale tries to cover up his sin by preaching to the town and becoming more committed to his preachings, but this only makes him feel guiltier. In the beginning of the story, Dimmesdale is described by these words; â€Å"His eloquence and religious fervor had already given earnest of high eminence in his profession.†(Hawthorne,44). This proves that the people of the town looked up to him because he acted very religious and he was the last person that anyone expected to sin. This is the reason that it was so hard for him to come out and tell the people the truth. Dimmesdale often tried to tell the people in a roundabout way when he said â€Å"†¦though he (Dimmesdale) were to step down from a high place, and stand there beside thee on thy pedestal of shame, yet better were it so, than to hide a guilty heart through life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marriage and Americans
Alicia Evans March 10, 2013 Review on Argo Mrs. Bornac MWF When the movie Argo began to play I thought to myself this movie may not have my interest. The Iran’s were very aggressive toward the Americans because they felt as if we were trying to harm them. I did not understand the language they were speaking. However, the film should have made the CC pop up at the bottom of the screen so we could at least read their conversations.When the Americans began to burn all of the files they had I started to question were they really trying to help the Iran’s or not. The Iran’s started to get serious by shutting the power off in the buildings so the Americans could not talk to anyone. I began to get curious about what would happen next. There were Americans still held hostage sixty-nine days later. Six Americans snuck out the back door because going through any other door would not have been a success. I wondered where they would go.They went to a safe place with a marrie d couple. I was happy the couple wanted to help them back to their freedom state. When the Iran’s noticed they were missing six Americans I knew they would try their best to find them. I felt as if they Guy Tony were a strong man to try and save those six Americans. He could have been home with his wife and little boy instead he wanted to help. Tony missed his son’s call and when he was able to call back no one was home. That was heart touching because he loves his family.Tony sent his son a happy birthday card and that was great. He watched television with his son also when they were on the phone some nights. Tony’s wife and son missed him a lot. The streets of Iran were dangerous. I could not visit that place because they obviously do not like Americans at all. Once I seen the bodies hanging from the cranium machinery my heart dropped. Those people do not deserve to die the way they did. Also the large Army trucks the Iranians drove around in was terrifying to me.They had these harsh facial expressions as they would stare at you into your eyes. When Tony introduced himself as Kevin Hartkins to the six Americans they were not excited at all. I would have been cautious because they were taking a chance with their lives. Each of the Americans was very afraid and I could tell by their facial expressions. They did not know if they would be alive nor die because Tony was a random guy saying he is going to rescue them. When the CIA did not want to help Tony I felt it was wrong because those were innocent people.I think Tony played his part well to defend the six Americans. Even when they would not help him he kept striving to set those people free. I was so anxious when they made it to the airport. The Iranians were staring at their passports for a long time which made me sit at the end of my chair as I continued to watch. I thought they were not going to be able to leave the airport because the Iran police said the Argo movie had to be verifie d. Luckily they made it through and I was happy.It was a relief for me when the pilot made the announcement, â€Å"Clear of Iran. †Overall Argo was a great movie and each of the Americans was set free. It was well put together by the director and cast members. Argo was an enjoyable yet thrilling movie. There were a couple times I was on the edge. I was eager to see what would happen next. Also I was frightened that the Americans were not going to make it back to the United States but they did. I would recommend watching this movie to see what our people go through.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
High School Experience Essay
High school is always a terrifying experience for a lot of kids. It’s the point in their life when they become adults and realize who they want to be. It also indicates where they will be heading in life and what they will be doing in the future. Most high schools have the common social groups such as the jocks, the preps, the popular kids, and the norms, and people often find themselves making drastic changes to their personality or appearance to be accepted into at least one of these groups. School has always been difficult for me as far as fitting in with the crowd, so in high school, it was important to me to figure out which group I felt the most comfortable with and could be myself in without being judged or rejected. Every once in a while, different groups become intertwined with each other and get along quite well. Whether it’s the jocks and the popular kids, or the norms and the nerds, they all find a way to connect and make sure everyone feels at home. In my high school experience, that is exactly what happened. As one jock, named Allison went through her days living her dreams as a cheerleader, a prep named Madison went through hers imagining she owned the school. These two girls who had joined completely different groups, found a connection and became close friends with one of the popular kids, named Lauren, who never seemed to have a hard time making friends, and myself, who never cared too much about anything besides getting through each day with the best education possible, a common norm trait. As the years went on, so did our high school experience, and our bond became stronger and stronger until the day came we all had to go our separate ways. On May 23, 2014, I had one of the most memorable experiences with these three girls. As we closed one chapter in our lives and opened up for a new one to begin, we placed our caps on our heads and took our diplomas in our hands. Taking our last glance at an old place, and saying goodbye to old friends, we embrace our last moments and prepare for the first moments at a new place with new friends.
Corp Venture Capital At Eli Lilly Example
Corp Venture Capital At Eli Lilly Example Corp Venture Capital At Eli Lilly – Case Study Example Corporate Venture Capital Corporate venture capital is a practise where a large firm makes an investment in a small butinnovative and enterprising company by providing management and market to enable it gain a competitive advantage. At the Eli Lilly, investing in healthcare IT, Biotechnology and medical device start-up companies was the main objective of CVC. Corporate Venture Capital provided a broader scope for investments firms regardless of the stage the company exists in. The fund provided strategies for the business development as the acquisition of new technologies and commercialization of the products. It enabled the adoption of e.Lilly and Lilly BioVentures that produced robust results in the pharmaceutical world. The fund could give the research scientists more access to resources and leverage hence improving the firm’s products. In the case of Protagonist investment, Darren Carroll can utilise the existing strategies at the Eli Lilly’s to establish the firm. Normally the main challenges getting a profitable income from investing in a firm at an infant stage. These issues can be countered since the protagonist already has well established modern facilities and efficient source of labour. The firm uses the sophisticated software in its drug manufacturing that can merge the research results with the existing facts in the library, these reduces the operational cost and increases drug success. With the application of the modern technology in the company, management issue won’t be a problem since communication is improved. Also, Carrol can send some of his venture corporates to help in the oversight of the projects in the Australian based firm.In conclusion, the Eli Lilly Company should invest in the Protagonist Company. The company according to Carrol’s view shows a robust growth and its financial uprise is in its peak heights. The company also employs modern technology that can be a boost to the Eli Lilly.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Vocabulary Terms
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Vocabulary Terms Betty Smiths first novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, tells the coming-of-age story of Francie Nolan and her second-generation immigrant parents struggling to provide for their family. Its widely believed Smith herself was the basis for the character of Francie. Heres a vocabulary list from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Use these terms for reference, study, and discussion. Chapters I-VI: tenement: an apartment building, usually in a low-income area, that is without luxury amenities ragamuffin: a child whose appearance is unkempt and uncivilized cambric: a finely woven white linen interminable: long and dull with little sign of ending (or terminating) premonition: a warning or feeling about something that will happen in the future (usually negative) vestibule: a reception area or foyer, often in a school or church Chapters VII-XIV: fetching: attractive or pretty, beguiling peculiar: unusual or suprising, out of the ordinary bucolic: of or in the countryside, literally a shepherd or cowhand sprig small shoot or twig of a plant, usually decorative or garnish filigree: a delicate ornamentation or detail usually gold or silver, on jewelry banshee: from Irish folklore, a female spirit whose high-pitched wailing signals an imminent death (on the) dole: unemployed and receiving benefits from the government. Chapters XV-XXIII: prodigious: impressively large, awesome languorous: without energy or liveliness, sluggish gallantly do something in a brave or heroic way dubious: having doubt or uncertainty, skeptical horde: a large unruly crowd saunter to walk at a leisurely pace relegate: to demote or assign to a lower category Chapters XXIV-XXIX: gratis: free, without cost contempt: disrespectful dislike conjecture: opinion based on incomplete information, speculation surreptitious: secretive, sneaky vivacious: animated, lively, happy-go-lucky thwarted: prevented from accomplishing something, disappointed sodden: drenched, thoroughly soaked Chapters XXX-XXXVII: lulled: calmed, settled down putrid: decaying with a foul odor debonair: sophisticated, charming lament: to mourn, or feel sad about a loss fastidious: having exacting attention to detail Chapters XXXIII-XLII: contrite: apologetic, feeling sincere regret for a misdeed contorted: twisted or misshapen infinitesimal: so small as to be irrelevant or unmeasurable Chapters XLIII-XLVI: contemptuously: disrespectfully, disdainfully poignant: creating or evoking a feeling of sadness or empathy genuflect: to kneel and show deference or reverence especially in a house of worship vestment: garment worn by a member of clergy or religious order Chapters XLVII-LIII: vaudeville: variety show with comedic and slapstick performances rhetorically: speaking in a theoretical or speculative manner, not literally mollify: to pacify or appease matriculate: to enroll and pass through a school or course of study munitions: collection of weapons Chapters LV-LVI: prohibition: forbidding, or, period in American history when alcohol was illegal. jauntily: cheerful and arrogant, lively sachet: small perfumed bag This vocabulary list is just one part of our study guide on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Please see the links below for other helpful resources: Review: A Tree Grows in BrooklynQuotes from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Mergers & Acquisitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mergers & Acquisitions - Essay Example A merger takes place when the firms involved in the combination are of unequal size. The larger or stronger firm continues to exist because of its stronger bargaining power and the smaller or weaker firms go out of existence. Four periods of economic history have witnessed very high levels of merger activity, which are called a merger waves. These periods are characterized by cyclical activity i.e. large number of mergers followed by relatively fewer mergers ((ICMR), 2003). The current period is called as the fifth wave. In the first three waves, merger activity was concentrated in the United States of America. The fourth and the fifth waves were global in nature though the impact of the wave is most pronounced in the United States of America. First Wave The first merger wave occurred after the depression of 1883. It peaked between 1898 and1902 though it began in 1897 and ended in 1904. The merger had the greatest impact on eight specific industries i.e. primary metals, bituminous coal, food products, chemicals, machinery, transportation equipment, petroleum and fabricated metal products. These industries accounted for almost two – thirds of the total mergers during these periods.The mergers in the first wave were predominantly horizontal combinations. These resulting industrial consolidations led to creation of large monopolies. For example, US steel founded by J P Morgan merged with Carnegie Steel founded by Andrew Carnegie.The merged firm US Steel also acquired several other smaller steel producers and the resulting giant capture 75% of the steel market of the United States of America. ... Second Wave The second merger wave occurred between 1916 and 1929. George Stigler, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, has contrasted the first wave as "merging for monopoly" and the second wave as "merging for oligopoly." The consolidation pattern resulted in the emergence of oligopolistic industrial structures. The second wave was primarily fuelled by the post World War I boom in America Economy and a buoyant capital market. The second merger wave lasted until the Great Depression. The wave ended with the stock market crash on the "Black Thursday" i.e. October 29th of the year 1929, when the stock market witnessed one of the steepest stock price falls in history. Some of the corporate giants like General Motors, International Business Machines (IBM), Union Carbide, and John Deere etc., are a product of this era. Third Wave The third merger wave occurred during 1965 to 1969. This wave featured a historically high level of merger activity. One of the reasons for this factor is that this wave occurred in the background of a booming American Economy. One of the new trends started by this wave was the acquisition of larger companies by smaller companies. In the waves prior to this, the acquirer was always bigger in size than the target. A large proportion of transactions that took place during this wave were conglomerate transactions. The conglomerates formed during this period were highly diversified and simultaneously operated in several unrelated industries. For example, during the sixties ITT acquired such diversified businesses like car rental firms, bakeries, consumer credit agencies, luxury hotels, airport parking firms,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nurse Facilitated Hospital Discharge Planning in an Elderly Unit Literature review
Nurse Facilitated Hospital Discharge Planning in an Elderly Unit - Literature review Example Patients with complex care needs, including frail and elderly or those with mental problems, may require continuing care in special housing, residential or nursing homes, and need a ‘package of care’ to support them back to good health after hospital discharge (McKenna et al, 2000, p.594-601). Such population demands effective discharge arrangements. Discharge planning is â€Å"a facet of the overall care of the patient, developed through the application of the nursing process†(Watts, 2005). It is a process â€Å"that is dependent on inter-professional collaboration between health and welfare professionals†(Atwal, 2002). Study of problems of discharging patients from hospitals have been in focus during the last two decades, and some of the shortcomings identified are: â€Å"poor communication between hospital and community; inadequate notice of discharge; over-reliance in informed support and lack of support; inattention to patient’s needs before leaving hospital; and wasted or duplicated visits by community nurses†(McKenna et al, 2000, p.594-601). â€Å"Cost effective, coordinated, high-quality discharge planning†is integral to control increasing healthcare costs and hospital personnel must become more adept at preparing patients for discharge as there is a decrease in length of acute hospital stay, and increase in care shift to communities and homes (Lalani & Gulzar, 2001). â€Å"Aged care assessment team (ACAT)†model, operating in Australia, may be helpful in streamlining hospital discharge process in the U.K. (Robinson & Street, 2003). ACAT, a key multidisciplinary group primarily comprising nurses and paramedical staff, is involved in determining the discharge needs of older people Hence, decreasing length of patient stay in hospitals is paramount agenda in every health care planner and eliminating long waiting lists and freeing up of ‘blocked beds’ could be possible with effective an d efficient discharge planning procedures.Â
In the last decade voting turnout and political participation in the Essay
In the last decade voting turnout and political participation in the UK has declined. What are the possible reasons for this What could be done to help solve the problem - Essay Example The paper also tries to figure out few steps which can bring back the interest of the people in politics. One of the reasons behind the less turn out of people in the politics is the concept of strong government over the representative government. The main focus of the government is to present the country as a strong one in front of the world so sometimes they overlook the basic requirement of the people and therefore people started to lose interest in voting. Another key reason behind the lesser turnout in the UK vote is the failure of the elected people to fulfill their promises. Another theory related to this lesser turn out is the change in the mindset of the voters. People in the UK in modern age are more worried with policy outcomes than they are with policy commitments. The significantly less turn out in the 2001 UK vote was mainly on the ground of above reason. The supporters of the Labor party not wanted to come out in large number to cast their vote just because in their view, â€Å"their party fails to "deliver the goods" by improving health care, education, transportation a nd other vital public services during its first term in office.†(Clarke, Sanders, Stewart &Whiteley; 2002). Apart from all these factors, some other reasons are also their which play an important role in reducing the turnout in vote and also pull down the people’s interest about politics. The level of education among the people, political knowledge, ethiciency, understanding civic duty all these are also the factors which plays an important role in pulling down people’s interest from politics. It has been noticed that highly educated people, people who have the knowledge of politics, who come from political background or associated with politics directly or indirectly are more reluctant to vote where as people from lower middle class, who just
Grand proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Grand - Research Proposal Example Similarly, renewed economic growth stimulates political stability accordingly. Thus, it seems clear and defined that the economic development generates political development and vice versa within the development context of industrialized countries. However, for all studies into the subject of relations in economic and political development, they lack the objective evidence necessary to resolve this argument, and describe the subject accordingly (Rivero 17). Thus, this desertion pursues a cross-cultural study in three different third world countries, to evaluate the economic and political development through structured study and present evidence into the subject. Thus, the evaluable contexts in the study incorporate the countries of Chile, Peru and Bolivia, all which are neighbours. They all present a multi perspective of the subject; hence, the selection for the study. As the population continues to increase and voter turnouts remain constantly low, then the question arises into the subject of the realistic aspect in a capitalistic democratic government ability to maintain economic stability and development. Consequently, as the costs of political influence increase, the evidence within the firm level and economic aspects in the developing countries also begins to show. Thus, from these consequential effect statements, the question of the interleaved aspects of economic and political development in developing countries continues to raise simulating debates, which seem to have no end (Rivero 69). Thus, this research proposal will seek to evaluate and present evidence into the relations between the economic and political development as they influence each other from a developing countries perspective. Thus, the hypothesis for the research entails that, both economic and political development present vast evidence of aspects of interrelations, which cause them inseparable in determining and fostering a countries development process and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis of the American Cancer Society and General Motor Company Ltd Essay
Analysis of the American Cancer Society and General Motor Company Ltd - Essay Example  The American Cancer Society is mainly funded by donors, including the World Bank and various support groups. The World Bank is the society’s largest funder. The society also receives funds from the services that they offer to the cancer patients (Epstein, 2011). Other sources of funding for ACS include investment income, grants, and contributions from well-wishers. The operations of the organization are mainly run through volunteers drawn from all over the United States of America (American Cancer Society, 2011). The ACS is exempt from the taxpayer status, Form 990 of the year 2009 that the Society is a 501 (c) (3) organization which exempt from any tax obligations to the state. This status was granted in 2009 (American Cancer Society, 2011). Ethical issue The ACS, like all other organizations faces various challenges. One of the greatest challenges affecting ACS is self-interest. Investigations conducted on the ACS reveal that the Society has previously shown more interes t in profits than on cancer prevention. In 2005 the ACS estimated that at least 1.37 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed. However, it is alleged that instead of intensifying research on new methods for preventing and combating cancer, the Society focused more on profiting from cancer grants (Isaacs, 2010). For example, an Occupy Wall Street report alleges that the ACS has put a greater financial emphasis on radiation and chemotherapy research than on life-saving prevention methods. ACS faces allegations citing that has focused largely on conventional medication techniques for treating cancer instead of preventive techniques. The accusations also include discrediting physician research on cancer preventive techniques. As such the society is unethical for trying to make money out of the large numbers of cancer patients through chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are considered unhealthy (Epstein, 2011). Causes One of the greatest causes of this situation stems from the ACSâ₠¬â„¢s culture of working with various stakeholders and particularly giving greater consideration to the views of the organization’s financial supporters (Epstein, 2011). The Society’s financial ties with the drug industry have skewed its policies regarding the environmental causes of cancer and the best approaches to managing it. This interest makes the fight against cancer difficult and has been linked to the increase in cancer deaths and incidences as sufficient preventive strategies have not been put in place because many drug companies discourage it (Isaacs, 2010). While the drug industry wants to make money selling therapeutic drugs and equipment, the ACS wishes to continue benefitting from the considerable financial support it gets from the organizations as well as profits from patient treatments. The other likely cause for the American Cancer Society’s preference for therapeutic methods is that cancer research is quite costly, especially research for prev entive techniques. The organization seems to endorse both chemotherapy and radiotherapy techniques because they are a cheaper alternative in terms of research costs. A lot of research findings justifying the methods have already been provided both by the ACS and many drug companies. Â
Philadelphia Fight Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philadelphia Fight Organization - Assignment Example Besides just being concerned with the development of research and treatments, the organization provides a home to prevention, education and providing more information services concerning the disease. It has AIDS library and carry out a number of projects which are related to the disease as well as activism in combating the disease (Philadelphia Fight Organization, 2012). The organization is not big enough and it has its operations centered at Philadelphia where it provides the free services to the affected. The organization being a charitable and non profit organization, its hands are tied and can not get involved to activities which can make it get income. This has made the organization to depend entirely on the services of the volunteers which to a certain extent has some challenges. The reliance of the organization to volunteers has made it not to have clear human resource policies making it have challenges when it comes to human resource developments. The staffs do not undergo th orough recruitment since there is lack of money to pay the well qualified personnel. This has been the big challenge that the organization has been experiencing since its inception. The major legal concern of the organization is how to get justice done for the HIV/AIDS victims as many of them are suffering as a result of actions which were beyond them. Some of the victims of HIV they are working with were subjected to that status as result of rape by gangs which were beyond the patient’s control. The organization finds it challenging to get justice for these victims owing to the nature of events which is very difficult to follow. Similarly, the organization lacks the professionalism in dealing with legal challenges affecting the organization as many of the staffs are from medical field and don’t know more about law. This has rendered a legal challenge which the organization has to deal with in attempts to promote justice (Philadelphia Fight Organization, 2012). The org anization can competently deal with these legal concerns through setting a separate entity of staffs which deals with legal matters. This will help in dealing with the legal concerns which will see justice done to the patients who felt victims as a result of actions which were beyond their control. For this exercise to be effective, the organization needs to get experts through recruitment of staffs that can diligently deal with these issues and solve them. It also requires the organization to have money which will be used in recruiting staffs who will be addressing legal issues which are concern to the organization. Addressing legal concern which affects the employees needs experts hence this can only be dealt with through recruiting those suitable for it. The organizations need to take a number of actions into consideration in order to expand into other markets in the international arena. The organization needs to embark on the qualified staffs within its department’s in or der to get good and efficient services. This can begin from recruiting and training of staffs responsible for the human resource in order to equip them with the task they will be carrying out. Training of the staffs will also increase the competency among the human resource personnel which will intern be reflected to other departments resulting to quality of services being rendered by the organization. When the staffs are equipped more so
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Grand proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Grand - Research Proposal Example Similarly, renewed economic growth stimulates political stability accordingly. Thus, it seems clear and defined that the economic development generates political development and vice versa within the development context of industrialized countries. However, for all studies into the subject of relations in economic and political development, they lack the objective evidence necessary to resolve this argument, and describe the subject accordingly (Rivero 17). Thus, this desertion pursues a cross-cultural study in three different third world countries, to evaluate the economic and political development through structured study and present evidence into the subject. Thus, the evaluable contexts in the study incorporate the countries of Chile, Peru and Bolivia, all which are neighbours. They all present a multi perspective of the subject; hence, the selection for the study. As the population continues to increase and voter turnouts remain constantly low, then the question arises into the subject of the realistic aspect in a capitalistic democratic government ability to maintain economic stability and development. Consequently, as the costs of political influence increase, the evidence within the firm level and economic aspects in the developing countries also begins to show. Thus, from these consequential effect statements, the question of the interleaved aspects of economic and political development in developing countries continues to raise simulating debates, which seem to have no end (Rivero 69). Thus, this research proposal will seek to evaluate and present evidence into the relations between the economic and political development as they influence each other from a developing countries perspective. Thus, the hypothesis for the research entails that, both economic and political development present vast evidence of aspects of interrelations, which cause them inseparable in determining and fostering a countries development process and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Philadelphia Fight Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philadelphia Fight Organization - Assignment Example Besides just being concerned with the development of research and treatments, the organization provides a home to prevention, education and providing more information services concerning the disease. It has AIDS library and carry out a number of projects which are related to the disease as well as activism in combating the disease (Philadelphia Fight Organization, 2012). The organization is not big enough and it has its operations centered at Philadelphia where it provides the free services to the affected. The organization being a charitable and non profit organization, its hands are tied and can not get involved to activities which can make it get income. This has made the organization to depend entirely on the services of the volunteers which to a certain extent has some challenges. The reliance of the organization to volunteers has made it not to have clear human resource policies making it have challenges when it comes to human resource developments. The staffs do not undergo th orough recruitment since there is lack of money to pay the well qualified personnel. This has been the big challenge that the organization has been experiencing since its inception. The major legal concern of the organization is how to get justice done for the HIV/AIDS victims as many of them are suffering as a result of actions which were beyond them. Some of the victims of HIV they are working with were subjected to that status as result of rape by gangs which were beyond the patient’s control. The organization finds it challenging to get justice for these victims owing to the nature of events which is very difficult to follow. Similarly, the organization lacks the professionalism in dealing with legal challenges affecting the organization as many of the staffs are from medical field and don’t know more about law. This has rendered a legal challenge which the organization has to deal with in attempts to promote justice (Philadelphia Fight Organization, 2012). The org anization can competently deal with these legal concerns through setting a separate entity of staffs which deals with legal matters. This will help in dealing with the legal concerns which will see justice done to the patients who felt victims as a result of actions which were beyond their control. For this exercise to be effective, the organization needs to get experts through recruitment of staffs that can diligently deal with these issues and solve them. It also requires the organization to have money which will be used in recruiting staffs who will be addressing legal issues which are concern to the organization. Addressing legal concern which affects the employees needs experts hence this can only be dealt with through recruiting those suitable for it. The organizations need to take a number of actions into consideration in order to expand into other markets in the international arena. The organization needs to embark on the qualified staffs within its department’s in or der to get good and efficient services. This can begin from recruiting and training of staffs responsible for the human resource in order to equip them with the task they will be carrying out. Training of the staffs will also increase the competency among the human resource personnel which will intern be reflected to other departments resulting to quality of services being rendered by the organization. When the staffs are equipped more so
Morality in Copying CD’s Essay Example for Free
Morality in Copying CD’s Essay Morality is an issue that will forever encompass debates from thousands of sectors around the world. There are no definite set of rules of what is moral and what is not; as such, it will infinitely be hard to define. Judging someone’s morality is going to be difficult given this lack of definitive structure of the subject itself. This paper will be discussing piracy (which is what copying cd’s may lead to) in the context of morality. As difficult as the task may sound, this paper shall try to be as objective as it can be given the infinite boundary of the context. Piracy Piracy has been the thorn on the side of the music industry since the early 1990’s. Piracy is not even hard to do, given that one must simply stick a CD to a computer then transfer its entire contents to another and from there, numerous other copies can be made. The cycle does not and will not stop because most people prefer things for free. College students who must be the most frequent computer users will not be averse to copying CDs and distributing it to others. They sure enjoy their music and they normally are under strict budget due to their educational financial needs. The music industry is not the only field that piracy has wrecked. Almost anything that is being distributed on a CD or uploaded online has been endangered by piracy. Software is easily pirated, the newest Microsoft products are easily found on bootleg shops, finding its way easily in the third world black market. Aside from software, there are videogames and movies that can easily be copied and sold for much less than the producer originally retailed it, all illegally, of course. With piracy, the artists, software developers, producers, actors, programmers suffer as they are not paid the royalties they deserve for working hard on their respective projects but the consumers win, as they get the media they want/need for free or at a considerably lower price. The Utilitarian Approach According to Velasquez, et al. (1989), â€Å"utilitarianism is a moral principle that holds that the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected.†The utilitarian approach can certainly be used by those who copy the CD’s and distribute it to a wider span of users. When a person purchases a CD and uploads its entire content online on a file sharing site, his reasoning is that, such upload can share the music to a wider variety of people. These people can get it for free thanks to that one person who uploaded it for sharing out of the goodness of his heart. When a person buys a CD, he has paid for rights to use the content of that music. No matter how he abuses the content of that CD by repeated usage is something he is entitled to do. However, copying the entire contents of the CD and giving the copy to another person is another story as herein, he has breached some legal boundaries of his usage. Morality may be a subject that is infinite but legality has very strict confines and stepping beyond its boundaries is punishable by a hefty sum, long hours of community service or jail time. The utilitarian reasoning is not a defense against illegal acts and as such, one cannot escape punishment by reiterating that he committed piracy for the benefit of the world, out of the goodness of his heart. In addition, the utilitarian approach does not consider the minority who will be affected by such act. For instance, the loss of income to those people who have labored to bring the media out on the market is not something utilitarianism will consider. Deontological Ethics According to the Encyclopedia Britannica (n.d.), â€Å"in deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good.†Given this definition, copying CDs onto another computer, given today’s anti-piracy campaign, is not going to be considered moral even though the intentions maybe good and the act may be easy to do. Music, movie, software, videogame industries have lost billions of dollars because of piracy, they are trying to fight it as best they can and as such, there are piracy warnings/threats on almost every media distributed. Doing it anyway will certainly question one’s morality over it. To circumvent this, one does not usually copy CD’s. He goes to websites where he can share files. However, in the UK, such file sharing can now be considered illegal (Solanki 2010). Such is the campaign against piracy that in the US, every digital media sold in the market is protected by DRM, a software that limits the number of devices the content can be played in to typically, 5 machines (Grossman 2007). Exceeding this limit can raise questions on one’s morality via Deontological Ethics. Conclusion Copying the contents of a CD is piracy. Piracy nowadays is a criminal offense that is punishable by law. One can hardly find anything moral over something that is illegal. Even though piracy may be the most tolerated crime in the world, it will be best for the person to stay on the conservative side and not commit it, for his personal welfare. References: Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.) Deontological ethics. Retrieved 19 July 2010 from Grossman, L. (2007). The Battle Over Music Piracy. Time. Retrieved 19 July 2010 from,9171,1625209,00.html Solanki, M. (2010). File sharing becomes illegal as Government pushes through Digital Economy Bill. SeekBroadband. Retrieved 19 July 2010 from Velasquez, M. et al. (1989). Calculating Consequences: The Utilitarian Approach to Ethics. Issues in Ethics V2 N1. Retrieved 19 July 2010 from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Queen Rania of Jordan: Leadership Case Study
Queen Rania of Jordan: Leadership Case Study Introduction: Queen Rania Queen Rania of Jordan is one of the most influential personalities of the Middle East. She has been called as the New Face of Islamic feminism in the recent world i.e. 21st century. This graduate in business administration, a former banker and a mother of four works tirelessly to improve the conditions of weaker sections of her country and to improve the image of her country on the world stage. She claims to represent the large segment of Arab women, sharing their hopes and aspirations with their face. PERSONAL LIFE: Early Life: As far as her family background is concerned, Queen Rania does not belong to a royal lineage and formerly was Rahia al Yasin. The origin of family is from West Bank of River Jordan. It was previously a part of Palestine that has been annexed by Jordan after 1948 Arab Israeli Conflict and again taken by Israel in the year 1967.Today it is a disputed area as West Bank territories central to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Because of the continuous instability Rania father, a partition (doctor of childrens), settled in Kuwait in early 60s and became a prosperous man. Childhood and Education: Rania was born on August 31st, 1970 in Kuwait city. She did her early education at a private school New English School After completing her early education in Kuwait, Rania graduated in Business administration from American University in Cairo in 1991. About her childhood experience she writes There was a very large expatriate community in Kuwait. My classroom had child from many different Nationalities. So I grew up with people of Europe, the United States Africa, and the Fareast. These interactions make me realize how alike we are that makes us similar much more Career: After her graduation from American University Rania could not return to Kuwait because it was occupied by Iraqis forces under Saddan Hussain region and the family had to flee to Jordan. Rania follow her family to Jordan Capital Amman and joined City bank there and then served for a short period at the local office of Apple Computer. Here her business contracts brought her a dinner invitation by Prince Abdullah, who was serving military at that time, happen to be present in that party and came in contact with her. Family Life: Rania began her life with her husband Prince Abdullah in 1993 and blessed by four children vs. Prince Hussain (who was named in honor of his grandfather), king Hussain of Jordan, princess Iman and princess Salma and the fourth one is Prince Hashem. King Hussain, the then ruler of Jordan and father of prince Abdullah was fighting with cancer and passed away in 1999.Just before his demise he has chosen Prince Abdullah as his designated heir. RANIA AS A QUEEN: Although king Abdullah ascended on 7th February 1999, Rania had to wait up to march 22 1999, when her husband proclaimed her Queen. Social Life or HM The Queen Rania of Jordan has been declared 76th in the list of 100 most powerful women of world nearly 600,000 people follow her on twitter. She significant strides in promoting East West dialogue by leading a series of files in you tube that explored shared misdeal heritage. Hence she was awarded the first ever Visionary Award by you tube work of H.M. The queen Rania can be divided into the following heads: Domestic Agenda : Her majesty has so many activities on her domestic agenda which includes : A) Madra Sati (My School) This program is the brain child of the Queen Rania, which she launched in April 2008.It, is a public private initiative with an aim to refresh 500 of Jordans public schools over a period of 500 years. She also launched Queen Rania Award for excellence in Education with awards to principals in April 2009. B) H.N the Queen Rania established the first interactive children museum of Jordan. It was established in May 2007. Queen Rania is also chairperson of the royal health Awareness society. This is guide for health for the citizen of Jordan. Queen Rainia recognized three factors to build happy families and healthy homes via Expertise and Energy of Staff at RHAS Ideas and Enthusiasm of Students. Commitments of Partners. At front of higher education, HM Queen Rania scholarship Programmed was established in partnership with several leading varsities from around the world. These scholarships are given in the field of management and marketing, design, finance, business, psychology, architecture, law etc. The standard of scholarships is high and these are given only to most outstanding achievers. These scholarships are given to create a more innovative and dynamic workforce with an eye to fill the existing knowledge gap in for domain labor market which aims at more sustainable socioeconomic model. COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT It is a nonprofit organization started in Amman to empower society, especially women and children. It is aimed to improve the quality of life and to secure a better future to all for domain through a sustainable socioeconomically and cultural program. It has a weaving project named Bani Hamida weaving project, which promotes Bedouins handicrafts and improve economic and social well being of Bedouins handicrafts and improve economic and social well being of Bedouins women and children. Wadi Al Rayan project is another project hosted by Jordan River Foundation. A group 165 women is engaged in this project in making baskets mats, and furniture from local banana leaves and cattail reeds. SUSTAINABILITY: Queen Rania actively supports the development of sustainable tourism in Jordan through Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN).RSCN is a non profit, non government organization. It is supported by institutions and individual donation. It is supported by bird life international, world conservation Union (IUCN); later it becomes the largest democratic conservation agency in the world. RSCN was instrumental in establishment of IUCN which covers west Asia.RSCN and IUCN are partners in implementing Jordan Rift valley project and co financing part of this project through direct technical support. International fund for animal welfare (IFAW) also cooperates with RSCN with an aim to enhance biodiversity protection in Jordan. Queen Rania has supported the partnership between Ministry of tourism and Antiquities with WHA (World Heritage Alliance for Sustainable Tourism) YOUTH PROGRAMME She is a strong supporter of junior achievement of world wide. The later is a nonprofit youth organization founded in the year 1919 by Horace Moses. This is the worlds largest and nonprofit organization dedicated to teach the students about entrepreneurism, workforce management and financial activities. GLOBAL AGENDA Human Rights for Women Is a serious practice of killing women, who are found, engaged in extra mental of fairs? Usually it is done by the male members of the family. The telegraph writes about Queen Rania in following words (3rd Dec 2011).Queen Rania, who regularly appears without head scarf, let alone hi job, has given her quiet support to womens rights group who wants to change laws amounting to legal impurity for men involved in honor killing. Queen Rania is supported by Islamic scholars like Sheikh Hamza by insisting that Islamic law or Sharia does not support honor killing is nothing to do with Islam. B). GLOBAL LEADERSHIP The world economic forum is an independent international Organization committed to improving the state of world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agenda. H.M Queen Rania is also the chairperson for the nomination of young global leader at WEF. She was the only serving member from Arab world when she attended her first weekly at WEF in 2003. In Nov 2000, Queen Rania was invited to join the global leadership initiative of United Nations Children Fund in recognition of her concern to the cause of children and youth. Vaccine Fund is non-profit International Organization which harnesses resources to seek to provide vaccination of children in the countries of world. In early 2002, the board of Directors of International Youth Foundation has appointed Queen Rania as its member. This foundation is based in BALTIMORE in USA and helps young people to learn basic life skills, education and training. They need to succeed. Queen Rania is also the Honorary Chair of the Board of Governors of the Packman Terric institute of la Roche College (USA).This offers scholarships to young outstanding talented youth from developing countries. She is honorary President of the Arab Academy for Banking and financial Sciences. This is a pioneer institute in field of Banking and Financial activities. She is also honorary president of the Arab Women Labor Affairs Committee of Arab labor Organization. She is honorary chairperson of Jordan Chapter of operation Smile, which is an organization (a secular NGO) providing help to the children worldwide for surgeries of cleft lip and cleft palate. Queen Rania is also patron of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and was awarded by the Italian government for the achievement in this field of osteoporosis. Her majesty is the president of Jordan society for Organ Donation. (Her Majesty Queen Raina) Queen Rania: A Role Model for Future Generation Queen Rania is really an icon and role model for young generation. She is involved in so many activities for human well being that she can considered as one of the worlds greatest leaders. These activities include: Focus on quality and caliber of education for children especially for girl children. The most important project in this regard is Mordacity Palestine to rehabilitate and refurbish the public school of Jordan. She also started Mordacity Palestine for ovate dilapidated schools east Jerusalem. Her majesty also established Al Aman Fund in 2003 which works to provide education to the orphans. Community Empowerment : Jordan Rive Foundation a brain child of H.M Queen is a nonprofit NGO working in the field of community empowerment , started in Dec 1995.The foundation mission statement reads as follows: The foundations mission is to promote, in partnership with stakeholders, the development of a dynamic society by initiating and supporting sustainable social, economic, and cultural program that empowers community and individuals based as their needs and priorities This organization is committed to improve the lives of children and families through: National program Community Empowerment Program JRF Children Program JRF consist of the following components: A showroom in Jabal Amman. Bani Hamidias Womens Weaving Project. Based in Mukawir, near Madaba this project aims to improve the economical and social conditions of Bedouin women and children. Bani Hamida handicrafts are displayed by JRF in the showroom. Wadi Al Rajan Project for women empowerment consisting of a group involved in making handicraft items from locally available banana leaves and cattail reads. Her majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah has involved in all aspects of JRF. She is the chairperson of the Board of transteers of this fund and provides visionary leadership to the program. H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah is actively involved in development of Jordans sustainable tourism through royal society for the conservation of Nature. Under her leadership Jordan is evolving as a safe and unique destination offering modern services with authenticity and heritage. Human Rights: HM Queen Rania has an excellent track record in the field of Human Rights. She is in particularly vocal against honor killing. On International Stage too, her majesty is a prominent figure especially in the front of global education and child welfare.UNICEF has invited her to join its global Leadership Initiative in recognition of her commitment to the cause of children. she was also named as the first eminent Advocate for children and also become Honorary Global Chairperson of the UNGEI(United Nations Girls Education Initiative) Queen Rania stresses particularly about the cross culture dialogue to promote greater understanding, tolerance and acceptance in the world. She always use her status to correct misconception about Islam, Arab world, and womens role in Islam Her majesty is also a member of many International Foundations and Forum like Foundation Board of young Global Leaders, world Economic Forums etc. It must be emphasized there are only some of the preoccupations of her majesty and are testimony of hard of Queen of Jordan in service of her nation and international Community. That is why she is a fit role model for any Jordanian youth in his/her future carrier. (Queen Raina of Jordan) LEADERSHIP REQUIRED BY UAE Before discussing the leadership required by UAE we must explore various theories of leadership. Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in order to achieve a common goal. It must emphasized that a leader may or may not have a formal authority. There are eight types of major leadership theories prevailing in Contemporary world i.e. 1.Great Man Theories: These theories assume that the great man are borne and not made. These theories presume that leadership is inherited. These types of theories are predominately needed by military advantages and expeditions and in situation of crisis. 2. Trait Theories: These are the modifications of great man theories which presume that certain trait inheritance are required for a person to develop. These theories identify certain common characters in behavior of leaders. 3. Contingency Theory: It describes many variables for leadership to develop. As per this, any different type of leadership are required in different situations. Success is a result of interaction of different variables including the leadership style, qualities of followers and components of situation. 4. Situational Theories: These theories propose the choice of best action in a particular situation. This type of leadership is more appropriate for decision making. 5. Behavior Theories: These theories believe that great leaders are not born but are made. They are based on the action of leader in a particular situation and not on her mental abilities. According to these theories people can learn to become leader through training and education. 6. Participative Theories: Such leaders encourage participation and contribution from their followers and involve them in decision making process. 7. Management Theories: Management or transactional theories take in account the role of Supervision and group performance. As a matter of fact these are the blend of above discussed theories. This type of leadership depends on the reward and Punishment. Phenomenon is supposed to be best suited for business situations. 8. Relationship theories or Transformational Theories: These are based on the mutual understanding and relation bonding between leaders and followers. These leaders motivated inspire like a mentor i.e. they bring up the potential of individuals. Such leaders usually have high ethical and moral standards. Regarding UAE, a blend of almost all the theories except the first one(as there is no crisis or military expedition) are required to meet the challenges of business, social and cultural reforms, education requirement and health aspects. It must be realized that in UAE, the business management deals with the cultural diversity with many nationalities, ethical and cultural groups coming together to achieve a common goal. Moreover today is the era of virtual organization i.e. mostly the organizations are operating via electronic means and there is no face to face interaction of parties involved in the business. Online business is the word coined to denote such business outsourcing is the backbone of such organization along with the telecommunication. So, two different organization may enter into contract involve into exchange of services and payments without community in close contact with other. This may be called as Virtual Organization. This is to emphasize that leadership of these o f organization require a high degree of Managerial Capabilities especially with the phenomenon of globalization of market place i.e. the Integration of National Economic into the International ones through trade, foreign Direct Investment, Capital Flows, Migration Communication and transportation. This results into various nationalities etc to come on a common platform. The economy of UAE is mainly a business based one apart from being oil based. HSBC trade confidence index ranks 2nd in world behind India. So in the last it can be concluded that a leadership with strong managerial capabilities is the most suited one for UAE. (Queen Raina) HANDLING THE MULTICULTURAL WORKFORCE Multicultural Workforce refers to a non power of varying social, cultural, racing and ability characteristics. It is also denoted as diversified workforce. The main challenges is handling a diversified or multicultural workforce, is to accommodate the life style, ethical values, work style and need of these different group without compromising with the common goal on operations of an organization. A business leader can use the diverse characteristics of a multicultural human wealth to a strategic advantage with creativity. A multicultural workforce makes a good business opportunity. Organizations with corporate environment are now facing a difficult question i.e. Can Diversity be best treated by equal treatment or differential treatment? Although the advocated of anti discrimination may argue that it is inhuman or illegal in certain countries but some managers may argue that this premises ignores the fundamental of diversity i.e. the different behavior of the people from different nationality or Ethnic groups in different condition. For example an employee from the Far East may be happy if he is asked to work for more hours and paid for that extra period of time. On the other hand, the same person simply refused to work more if he will not be paid. But at the same time treating work force in a differential way may result into resentment and can erode morale. Such difficulties are enhanced when weaker sections of society like women are involved. However such difficulties may be addressed by simple measures like: Having warm attitude towards all employees regardless of their nationality, religion, or ethnical origin. This practice must exist at top managerial level without prejudice. Multi Cultural Dialogue: The man power of an organization diversified origins should be asked for a directed inter cultural dialogue. This means setting up a discussion group by top management with participants from different origins, nationality, ethnicity, or social backgrounds. This type of dialogues will result into exchange of cultural knowledge and the participants will learn more about why their co workers believe and act the way they do. This leads to a greater tolerance. Cross Cultural Training Seminars: holding of cross cultural training seminar is a positive approach to deal with a multiethnic workforce. Experts from multiethnic elations are to be involved in this type of approach to teach the employees to bridge the cultural gap between them. Such type of seminars may include value origin, world view and tolerance development. Core Values of Employees: This is perhaps the most important action that top management can have to understand the behavior of persons from different ethnic groups in their organization. This is greatly facilitated by presence of Internet and the Information about different cultures is just a click away. So it is clear that a multicultural workforce is not a challenge rather an opportunity creation and approach management in an organization. DEVELOPMENT OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP The effective leadership can impart great deal of motivation in his followers resulting into a high level of achievements. This must be realized that self learning is the most important tool to develop an effective leadership. As the leader is the mentor of his followers it is important for him to acquire more and more knowledge, skill and education to pass it to them. To develop a good leadership one must explain: A basic sense of the System of organization, its function and role and how they are integrated to achieve the goal of the organization. Functions of management, Leadership are one of them and their integration in the organization. A continuous training of the management methodology is a must in this regard. Different traits, models and theories of leadership including different domains of it. As each domain requires different approach and competencies in order to lead that domain a continuous coaching of the leader is a must to develop such qualities. Finally how one can develop his abilities in leadership in a formal or informal way Developing Effective Leaders: Developing leaders to be more effective comes under the domain of leadership development program, which refers to any activity undertaken with a view to enhance the quality and effectiveness of leadership in an organization. These activities may range from management program like MBA, Business diplomas or any post graduate courses offer by companies owned universities, action learning i.e. an Education process of learning by ones own action and experiences in order to improve performance. There may be high rope courses, which are challenging outdoor personal development and team building activity. Such programs are usually constructed in trees or made of utility poles and require strict safety measures to be followed. However there is a non census to be followed about their utility in developing effective leadership. It is also to be emphasized at this level that leaders are rather developed internally rather than recruited. Future Leadership Requirement Model: A leader with focus more on Strategic issues and organizational changes, rather than current operational problem. Apart from leadership competence, a future leadership model will require to take into consideration of issues like work/life balance, potential advances in globalization, technology and return of Investment and increasing interest in the integrity and character of leaders and new way of thinking about leadership.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Alcoholics Should NOT Be Eligible to Receive Organ Transplants Essay
In modern medicine, we have the ability to transplant organs from one person to another, with the hopes that this will greatly improve the length and quality of life for the patient receiving the transplant. Ten years ago, there were 53,167 people on the transplant list. By the beginning of 2015, the list increased to over 123,000 people waiting for that miracle call stating that they found a match and the transplant can now happen. One reason for the increase in people on the list is that people in the age group between 50-70 years old are now considered to be viable candidates for transplant due to medical advances. However, by December, 2014, twenty-one people were dying each day while waiting for a transplant. (Benjamin Samstein, 2015) This brings us to a question, should an alcoholic who had previously been lucky enough to have a liver transplant, be allowed to get another liver transplant after he let his alcoholism ruin another liver? When someone is in need of a transplant, there are several factors that are looked at in deciding whether or not the patient will be placed on the transplant list. Patients receive points for medical need, tissue type and time on the waiting list. Doctors then use a computer algorithm to decide who gets the organs available. Typically, one’s overall health, age, ability to comply with the regimen of anti-rejection drugs and a strong support system also comes into the decision process as well. Geographical location of the donor organ is also very important in the decision making process. (Whitford, 2005) Due to the shortage of organs, not all on the list get the organs they need. If people would get past their fears with regards to stem cell research, we could grow perfectly viable h... ...n to respect our bodies as the temples that they are. Use the medicine for when things happen that we can not control, not for when we lose control. Works Cited Abhinandana Anantharaju, M. D. (n.d.). Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver disease. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. Benjamin Samstein, M. (2015). Bottom Line's Daily health news. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. Kluge, E. (2004). Ethics of Organ Transplantation. Canadian Medcial Association Journal . Perry, D. D. Ethical Conmsideration in organ transplants. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. Whitford, B. (2005, 11 28). Who gets the organs. Newsweek. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Productivity Growth In the US :: essays research papers
It was said that once-in-a-century advances in technology are transforming our economy. The computer chip is doing for today's knowledge economy what electricity did for our industrial economy a century ago. Synergies in technology are driving acceleration in productivity growth that enables us to grow faster with less inflation. Economic progress is speeding up; the speed limit is rising.      â€Å"Real GDP growth has averaged 4 percent for the past four years, with declining inflation. This almost doubles the 2 percent to 2.5 percent not long ago considered the maximum noninflationary potential. But we've been growing faster than potential and sustaining the unsustainable for four years and counting. Sounds odd, doesn't it? Our faster output growth is based primarily on faster productivity growth and secondarily on faster labor force growth†.      Productivity growth now appears to be at least 2.5 percent and rising. An increase from 1 percent to 2.5 percent is an increase of 150 percent, a huge jump with profound implications if sustained. Last year was encouraging. Productivity raised over 3 percent for the year and over 5 percent in the second half.      It was said that the United States entered the 21st century with its economy on a roll. GDP growth averaged more than 3 percent a year in the 1990s. The country created 17 million jobs, driving unemployment down to a 30-year low of 4.1 percent.      In the 1999-2000 the economy wasn’t doing so bad the unemployment rate was down, there were more jobs available, and production was doing well. When 2001 stated and even before then the economy was going down, many people were being laid off and so on. Then it happened the September 11th attack on the US, this attack has left the Productivity Growth In the US :: essays research papers It was said that once-in-a-century advances in technology are transforming our economy. The computer chip is doing for today's knowledge economy what electricity did for our industrial economy a century ago. Synergies in technology are driving acceleration in productivity growth that enables us to grow faster with less inflation. Economic progress is speeding up; the speed limit is rising.      â€Å"Real GDP growth has averaged 4 percent for the past four years, with declining inflation. This almost doubles the 2 percent to 2.5 percent not long ago considered the maximum noninflationary potential. But we've been growing faster than potential and sustaining the unsustainable for four years and counting. Sounds odd, doesn't it? Our faster output growth is based primarily on faster productivity growth and secondarily on faster labor force growth†.      Productivity growth now appears to be at least 2.5 percent and rising. An increase from 1 percent to 2.5 percent is an increase of 150 percent, a huge jump with profound implications if sustained. Last year was encouraging. Productivity raised over 3 percent for the year and over 5 percent in the second half.      It was said that the United States entered the 21st century with its economy on a roll. GDP growth averaged more than 3 percent a year in the 1990s. The country created 17 million jobs, driving unemployment down to a 30-year low of 4.1 percent.      In the 1999-2000 the economy wasn’t doing so bad the unemployment rate was down, there were more jobs available, and production was doing well. When 2001 stated and even before then the economy was going down, many people were being laid off and so on. Then it happened the September 11th attack on the US, this attack has left the
Friday, October 11, 2019
Earthquake Assignment
Earth Science 1 October 29, 2012 Homework Assignment 1. Explain how you should react or what you should do when you feel an earthquake if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. a) Indoors: I will stay calm and drop to the ground. I will take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. I will hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near me, I will cover my face and head with my arms and crouch in the corner of the building. b) Outdoors: I will move away from building, streetlights, and utility wire. If I’m in the open I will stay there until the shaking stops. c) In a moving vehicle: I will stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. I will avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires. I will proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. I will avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. d) Trapped under debris: I will not light a match or move about or kick up dust. I will cover my mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. I will tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate me. I will Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause me to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. 2. What are the main things that you should do after an earthquake hits in the area where you are staying? In particular, discuss what you should do if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. ) Aftershock: When it is safe to move, I will exit my home. I will help my neighbors who may need assistance. I will give first aid when appropriate. I will not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury & call for help. * b) Tsunami: I will go to a designated public shelter if I have been told to evacuate or if I feel it is unsafe to remain in my home. I will text SHELTER + my zip code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest she lter in my area (example: shelter 12345). c) Electrical system damage: I will not stand in water. If safe to do so, I will turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If the situation is unsafe, I will leave my home and call for help. * d) Gas leakages: If I smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing sound, I will open a window and leave immediately. If I can, I will turn off the main gas valve from the outside & call the gas company from a neighbor’s residence.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Unit 9 – Assignment 2 Complete the Assignment Specified in Sam.
Judy Vasquez HCMG745-Dr. Szostek March 27, 2013 Week 4-Assignment 4 You will explore these areas in a research based paper with at least four scholarly references. Be sure to summarize the weekly focus area, evaluate its effect on the future of healthcare and your practice, and conclude the aspects of quality and best practice involved. Due Day 7 For Week 4 Operations, develop an overall operations plan. TOPIC SUMMARY EFFECT ON HEALTHCARE FUTURE OVERALL QUALITY & BEST PRACTICE ISSUESWhat will be a typical patient experience? Patients are first seen with either our primary physician or orthopedists, many are experience joint, spinal, or neck issues from motor vehicles accidents or slip and falls, so they are usually in a lot of pain. Patients are prescribed pain medication if needed, and go through a series of tests performed by our physicians at our practice. Imaging is usually needed, so many must have MRI's and X rays performed and bring their CD's with them to be reviewed by our d octors.We always follow-up with each of our patients, and if they have surgery they have ore-surgical and post surgical consultations with our physicians. Describe patient flow from making the appointment to paying the bill. Many of our patients have been in car accidents or slip and falls, they are being referred to our surgeons, neurologists, primary physicians, and orthopedists from attorneys. If the pain is tolerable we do not recommend surgery, however when patients are in excruciating pain we have them see our neurologist to have various neurological tests performed.When we have a new patient referred to our office, we gather all of their demographics and insurance information, if they do not have insurance many times there is a liable party information involved.. First we call the attorney to get more information on the case, next we fax the attorney letters of protection. Some of our cases are funded so we fax the funding company the information on the case with liable party information such as limits. Next we schedule a surgery date for the patient if surgery is needed, and ax the surgery center the case and Letter Of Protection for patient to sign.Lastly, after the surgery we fax the paperwork for coding. How will you address regulatory compliance and risk management? From a medical practice standpoint complying with regulations not only decreases risk but can decrease mortality and costs. http://www. acponline. org/running_practice/practice_management/regulatory_compliance/How will continuous quality improvement and best practices be addressed? How are you going to develop and maintain an ethical, quality, and complaint practice for the long term? What regulatory bodies will you have to be concerned with on an ongoing basis?Medicare and Medicaid Audits are some of the major regulatory bodies our practice is constantly concerned with. Recovery Audit programs aim to decrease the likelihood of overpayment and underpayments of their beneficiaries. This means our practice must stay on top of proper coding and billing to avoid penalties associated with false claims. http://www. cms. gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Monitoring-Programs/recovery-audit-program/index. html? redirect=/rac/ What do you see as possible futuristic operations issues/policies? How will you create the optimal care environment?
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
An Assessment between the Movies, Japans War in Color and Why We Fight
An Assessment between the Movies, Japan's War in Color and Why We Fight The films â€Å"Why We Fight†and â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†are vastly different from one another due to objectivity of the films. The ways that these two films present themselves give hint to the purpose that these films were trying to make. The film, â€Å"Why We Fight†was commissioned by the Department of Morale, and was meant to give reason for America’s involvement in Asia. The film’s purpose is obviously meant maintain and gain support for the war effort on America’s mainland. The film is targeted at American citizens living in places like Atlanta, Georgia, Washington D.C., or in Portland, Oregon. The film, â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†offers an analytical approach to the various causes of the war in Asia. The objective of this film is to provide a more accurate depiction of the causes and effects of the war in Asia. This film being targeted towards scholars of this area of history. The first contrast that needs to be made between these two films is the nature of their narrators. It seems to be that in the film â€Å"Why We Fight†, the entire dialogue is made by what seems to be a masculine American voice. When the narrator is interrupted, it is in place of an American source, such as the ambassador of China speaks about Japan’s occupation in China. Even when the US ambassador is speaking, he seems to be reading allowed cue cards. Now this is purposively done in order to make the US a hero as much as possible. Even the use of a masculine voice is done purposively to bring about sentiments of honor and duty. Now in the other film â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†, different perspectives are given, which themselves are spoken in a Japanese dialect. Both sides are shown, such as small pockets of rebellion against the military emperorship of Japan, and even hardline militarist Japanese testimonies. What makes that special is that little room fo r biases are left, since both sides are shown in equal proportions. Now this is done simply because this how the academia works, evaluation and detective work must be done. Next what needs to pointed out is what type of footage is shown between the two films. I could not but help but get a sense that military demonstrations were the bulk of the film â€Å"Why We Fight†. Then oddly enough, a few scenes seem to be taken from Hollywood films, especially when they were describing the old Chinese culture. One scene describing the Great Wall of China, the footage of men on horse back in what seemed to steppe bandits looked very Hollywood clichà ©. But the over use of military demonstrations, marches, soldiers storming trenches, close ups on Japanese soldiers looking menacing is done with the objective of making the US seem a hero in comparison of the Japanese. Even the depiction of the Chinese make it seem that they are under the US responsibility. The use of debasement is placed on the Chinese, sense one they are not given any representation other than the narrators own view of them, and makes it seem that they can not help themselves from the Japane se forces. The footage in the film â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†is extremely different from â€Å"Why We Fight†. First off, footage of typical Japanese life is shown, such as people working in the fields, footage of Tokyo on a normal day, footage various festivals. The footage attempts to encapsulate the whole human experience in the 1930’s and early 1940’s in Asia. Indeed, there is footage of war, but in this film it is hard at times to distinguish who is harming who. War is depicted as messy and full of collateral damage. Much rather this film isn’t attempting to call for more war, but expose the vices of war. While trying to find some similarities between these two films, they only seem to agree based on the large historical facts, for example Japan’s occupation of Korea and Manchuria, Japan being the single most powerful state in Asia, and Japan’s imperialist campaign in Asia. But how these are expressed and analyzed are in different formats. For example, in â€Å"Why We Fight†these events are expressed in a outsiders point of view, which in this case is described as Japanese aggression. In the film, â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†, opinions are expressed from mainland Japan, people in China, intellectuals, soldiers on both fronts opinions are expressed to see their motives and explanations for taking part in the war. In summary, the contrasts overweigh the similarities between the films. These two films have two complete different objectives. The makers of each film had in mind a certain way of depicting the war in mind. In the â€Å"Why We Fight†, it was a propaganda film meant to maintain support for the war in America. Certain things were done to achieve this such as refusing to use Japanese sources, focusing on the military aspect of Japan, and debasing the Chinese as helpless people needing American assistance. The film â€Å"Japan’s War in Color†was a academic piece meant to expose the different views that were held during this time in Asia. To explore both the militarist, the common folk, the liberals, the radicals, and the unaccounted for. The film was meant to explore the human experience that occurred in this time of human civilization.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Fff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fff - Essay Example This tool will: I. Evaluate production achieved and the expectations, II. Enhance communication that will allow exchange of ideas between the employee and the supervisor on matters concerning job performance, III. Assist in highlighting areas that employees will require training and development needs as well as plan for growth in their career, IV. Assist in identifying skills to enhance promotion, V. Act as pillars for organization and employee goals and VI. Offer legal protection against false lawsuits against termination. Through performance evaluation, several benefits will be accrued. These include: I. The work done will be easily controlled and II. The employees will always feel motivated and as a result, production will increase, To achieve these benefits, performance reviews must be conducted annually and rely on individual job-related issues. A guideline must be provided that is used in the review of individual based performance and a review of the past performance. Team base d performance must be annually reviewed. The review must rely on the performance of the team in relation to the functions of the employees. The program is to enhance of quality of products. Question 1.4B: Based on your team’s experience, what data from the exploration phase would be of greatest help in developing the field? Subsurface information is used in the search for reservoirs and petroleum and gas traps through a process known as prospecting. This process is carried out on paper or with the assistance of computers. This involves the use of art and science. The success of a prospector lies in the use of a three dimensional space. This helps in developing a model that reveals lateral and vertical dimensions of the reservoir targeted. There are several sources from which a geologist can gather information from. These include: I. Study of the rocks on the surface of the earth, II. Information gathered from holes drilled in the prospect area after a careful study, and III. Through seismic reflection. The data collected are recorded, interpreted by geologists who develop cross sectional drawings of rocks that contain oil and gas. The cross sectional drawings reveal the changes in depth of the reservoirs. Structure maps developed by geologists assist in showing the folds or faults in the layers of the earth. Reservoir composition data collected assists in developing the size of the facility, and the design process. Question 1.4C: Based on your team’s experience, or â€Å"brainstorming†session, what unforeseen problem would most hinder developing the field? The best location of the surface of the well is determined by the geologist. The land is leased and a permit of drilling the well obtained. For a permit to be granted by the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Oil and Gas Management, proper environmental planning is necessary. The exact position of the well may be shifted to protect key natural resources like streams, wetl ands and endangered species. Other producing wells may also be a barrier in locating position of the wells. When the wells are closely dug, production from the existing wells may decrease. Erosion and sedimentation are likely to occur because of heavy earthworks during construction of access road and well site (Flaherty and Flaherty, p.11). Question 1.4D: Well performance evaluation and enhancement are the primary charges of the production engineer. With the
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