Friday, November 29, 2019
Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Essay Example
Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks Paper An example of this is that in the market that Cataracts operates in, there are many substitutes which can entice consumers into other businesses. As mentioned before, with the introduction of coffee machines and instant coffee, consumers can quickly make coffee rather than go out of their way to find a Cataracts. Furthermore, using the UK as an example, rival businesses offer an easy substitute. With other similar businesses like Costa, offering products at a similar quality and price it is easy for Cataracts to lose customers, but also gain them at the same time. This can be of strategic importance to Cataracts, as a reconsideration of choice if something goes wrong can influence a customer to move to a rival. Being a fairly easy market to penetrate, Porters Five Forces also suggest that Cataracts could face challenges in its business environment. Using technology that isnt patented just to the Cataracts franchise means that if a new business was to penetrate the market it would be easy to produce an almost identical product to that of theirs. With the right financial background and a good pricing strategy, Cataracts could face rivalry from a new competitive opponent. So, because once a new firm has successfully entered the market it can easily gain access to the same technology and produce similar products, possibly the only thing protecting Cataracts is its image and already established name thus showing a challenge that is of current strategic importance. As previously stated, Cataracts has high competition in its market. Due to this great level of competition, price wars are commonly in place having to match their rivals. We will write a custom essay sample on Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Challenges in the External Environment of Starbucks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This can be seen as a challenge in Cataracts business environment as it could hen in turn drive down profits and profit margins as they try to increase, or as a minimum, maintain their share of the market. Although it could be easy for a new business to enter the market, because Cataracts has such a high market share they would be almost exempt from any threat. Having already built a reputable corporate image and with vast experience in the market, it would be extremely hard for a new entrant to straight away offer much competition. If the market is dominated by a small amount of fairly large suppliers rather than numerous fragmented sources, a suppliers bargaining rower is more than likely going to be high. However, even though suppliers do have power it is often capped to a certain level. Using Cataracts as the example, with such a renowned name and an increasing productivity it means that the coffee beans need Cataracts as well. Additionally, because Cataracts has a range of suppliers of coffee beans coming from South America, Asia and Eastern Africa it means that even if one supplier was to pull out for a reason they could still resort to the other suppliers. This doesnt go to say however, that because Cataracts has a range of suppliers that they can underestimate the power that they to control and limit the amount of coffee beans exported. Due to this reasoning, the bargaining power of the suppliers can and always will be a challenge in Cataracts business environment, and is of current strategic importance. The bargaining power of buyers also ought to be considered when looking at the relation between Porters Five Forces and the business environment along with the market Cataracts operates in. The buyers or consumers, at the end of the day are the key things that keep a business running. In this market it has already been demonstrated that the errs do have the power in theory- according to the five forces proposed by Porter- to control the price of the products. The point that the products arent entirely differentiated, buyers cost of switching to a competitors product is low, the shopping cost is low and buyers are price sensitive means that the buyers seem to have lots of power. In reference to the differentiation segment in Igor Nations matrix (a new product, entering a new market) it doesnt seem as if Cataracts products differ from that of its competitors. This perhaps gives the buyers power to switch over to a competitor offering animal products, because the cost of switching to the alternative is of low cost, and the buyers are price sensitive so will take up the opportunity to do so. This suggests that buyers have power in the market, and because they keep the business running it is of strategic importance for Cataracts to look at this potential problem in their business environment. One of Cataracts many strengths is their established brand name. Because they have such a reputable name, it means that perhaps new consumers may go straight to them rather than competitors when Cataracts decide to expand into a new egging or country. This in turn, means that Cataracts could afford to spend less on advertising when expanding because the recognition by the customers is more likely to already be there. Another strength that Cataracts possesses is the use of high technology in the stores. Using it as an attempt to generate a larger customer base, Cataracts have installed high speed internet in a vast majority of its stores. This makes It ideal for business men, amongst others to gain access to the internet in a relaxed environment, encouraging them to stay longer and perhaps buy more from Cataracts. The use of pre aid cards and an online store, selling coffee machines, tea bags and ground coffee beans is another example of technology used by Cataracts. This is a strength as, even if a customer doesnt shop in store they can buy from online. Another possible strength portrayed by Cataracts is a range of high quality products. An ever increasing range of hot beverages and foods means shows innovation within Cataracts, which is vital in keeping customers hooked. Cataracts also faces a few weaknesses as well, including the high prices it sets on its products. With rivalry businesses in abundance and a high rice due to a rising cost of production, when buying fair trade coffee beans the increase Of price may have a direct effect on the pricing strategy. This could then lead to falling sales and loyalty of the customers. Other weaknesses may include an almost, self-cannibalistic like effect on itself. Due to shops being located within a short distance of each other in major cities Cataracts can be seen to have taken customers from itself in the past. But surely as long as Cataracts are getting the customers, it shouldnt matter should it? Well, because the stores are in abundance and short distance of ACH other, it means some stores wont perform as well as others. The cost of running the stores that arent as high performing as the others is very high, and means that Cataracts may need to reconsider their marketing mix. Possible opportunities that could come from the strengths could be that, it would be easier for Cataracts to expand abroad without facing as many discomposes of scale because of their reputable name in the market. It can be argued however, using China as an example that social problems may overcome the brand name when trying to expand highlighting a problem Cataracts could encounter making it of strategic importance. Another opportunity could be the expansion into retail operations, by selling coffee machines, beans and tea online to customers furthermore expanding their market. This could increase the financial status after diversification. Having looked into, and evaluated the challenges in Cataracts business environment there are possible solutions that could solve them. In regards to the ageing population, Cataracts could possibly create an environment in its stores that cater for more than one age group. This could be reached by possibly putting suggestion boxes in all stores, so they know what to look for. The social problem faced when expanding could possibly be solved according to Porters diamond (M. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, 1990). Because the product is of higher demand in the home country of the firm, it should probably choose where it expands very carefully and pull out to achieve success. With the economic problem of a low disposable income faced by customers and an increase of rivals due to an increase in technology, Nations matrix would suggest that Cataracts diversifies to fight Off the rivalry. Cataracts were to perhaps enter a new market customers could be willing to Penn money on their goods. To solve the environmental challenges when importing coffee beans, the SOOT analysis would suggest to keep good relations with the suppliers and if possible, increase the spread of where they are sourced. This would then lower the threat of decreased materials is bad harvests are reported. To counter act the problem of rivalry in the market, Nations matrix again would suggest diversifying to enable Cataracts to offer something different capturing the attention of the customers. In order to solve the weaknesses and threats of the business, most frameworks offer the same solution. This would be to concentrate on the marketing mix and the way the company is internally run (structure) this would enable the business to see when and when not to expand. The best solutions for the company for the challenge of the ageing population would probably be conduct research, both primary and secondary to enable them to see how they can cater for different age brackets. This would be suffice as it is getting information from the customers themselves, and should help Struck to excel. In regards to the social problems, maybe Cataracts should reconsider their pricing strategy within different areas to keep the customers happy. With such large populations, these kinds of markets do offer potential if the pricing strategy is right and if Cataracts can correctly grasp the culture. Diversification would be the answer to solve the economic, technological and competition challenges. The offer of different products, such as coffee machines and buying online could help Cataracts to enter a new market, increasing the chance to pull away from competitors and solving the economic problems. With environmental challenges it is vital that Cataracts should keep good relations with, and a variety of suppliers. To conclude, although Cataracts is an international business, the research shows that even these huge businesses do face challenges. With the solutions mentioned above, Cataracts should be able to succeed in getting rid of the challenges. Primary and secondary research methods are both a good way of determining what is needed to be done in order to please the customers. As Cataracts would receive first hand opinions, then maybe they could perhaps work on the problems and satisfy the customers. This would need to be done because the buyers in this certain market have a lot of power and determine the productivity and success of a rim. When expanding, the pricing strategy is very important as economies differ in different countries as demonstrated in China. With careful reconsideration of the culture and price, countries like China could prove to be wise investments. When looking at the problems encountered in the competition, technology and economy diversification although risky at times is the answer. It allows the firm to expand into a new market, increasing the chances of enabling them to decrease the level of which competition faced by rivalry firms. Because coffee beans play such a vital role in how Cataracts reforms, it is key that they keep a good relationship with their suppliers in case any environmental problems were to occur and they got cut off.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Reading The Prince and the Pauper Chapter 6-10 Def and Notes Essay Example
Reading The Prince and the Pauper Chapter 6 Reading The Prince and the Pauper Chapter 6-10 Def and Notes Paper Reading The Prince and the Pauper Chapter 6-10 Def and Notes Paper Essay Topic: The Prince A __________ is a male servant whos in charge of other servants. Butler ________ is another word for annoy. pester When you walk with heavy steps, you are _________. lumbering Something that is thick and sturdy is _________. stout A _________ is a large, flat boat that travels on rivers. barge Something that is very large is ________. vast When you are sorry about something that happened, you ________ that thing. regret When you make somebody believe something, you __________ the person that what youre saying is true. convince When you are __________ about something, you dont really believe it is true. suspicious A __________ is a rude and rough person. ruffian Who might try to poison a prince? Someone who wants to be king. What is the Lord Chief Diaperers job? To put napkins on the prince. Why were the servants unable to help when Toms nose began to twitch? There wasnt a chief nose scratcher. Why was the book such a prize for Tom? It could teach him how to behave around royal people. Why was John Canty mad at Edward? Because he hadnt brought home any money. What did Toms mother think was wrong with her son? He had been reading to much. What did Toms mother begin to think after John and Edward left the room? Maybe Eward was not her son. Where did John tell Edward to go if the two got separated? To the far end of the London Bridge. Why did Edward want to punish Tom? Because he thought Tom had taken advantage of him. How was the princes barge decorated? With large shields and silk streamers. The _________ greeted Tom and the others inside Guildhall. Mayor of London Miles went to __________ to buy clothes for Edward. London Bridge The messenger inside the hall announced that the king was ________. dead The Cantys had to pay ________ pennies for rent. two
Friday, November 22, 2019
How did Technology connected our modern society together (such as Research Paper
How did Technology connected our modern society together (such as Iphone) - Research Paper Example This paper casts light upon the fact that IT has removed the distance barriers and the world is converging to a common culture. This is mainly the culture introduced by IT products which are used all over the world. It is interesting to mention that many of these products are outcome of combined efforts of experts from various countries of the world. An example is iPhone. It is the superb invention of the modern age which has connected the entire world in a unique way. iPhone is the invention of Apple Computers, a well known brand in the field of computer technologies. It is a smart phone which contains uncountable features in it. iPhone is based on advanced technology. The idea was conceived by Steve Jobs (Imbimbo 6); it was materialised by Apple Computers, which is located in California, USA. Apple Computers required certain other gadgets for its production, like the mini size camera, handsets, display screen, sound system, special software and many other things. Apple Computers invited the participation of many other business entities to design this wonderful product. Finally, the display screen was imported by Japan or Korea. The final product was assembled in China and was launched for sale in the global market. The credit for inventing this beautiful product is given to Apple Computers for conceiving its idea, but they also have given due credit to all the countries and companies from which they imported the material. It is because the idea of iPhone was materialised with the help of the gadgets imported from the various domains. iPhone is an amazing product which has captured huge market all over the world. It attracted youngsters as well as businessmen. This product is unique in the sense that its target market encompasses various groups and people of many professions. It is not the need yet it is felt no less important than the basic tool nowadays.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Judges as Tribunals of Fact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Judges as Tribunals of Fact - Essay Example Criminal Justice Act of 2003 sought to remove the right to trial by jury for cases involving jury tampering or complex fraud. The provision for trial without jury is to circumvent jury tampering and came into force in 2007. However, some people have argued that this is in contravention of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights is a provision of the European Convention which protects the right to a fair trial. It is argued that trial by the jury protects public interest immunity hence it is in conformity with Article 6. Jury tampering is the crime of attempting to influence the composition decisions of a jury during the course of a trial. This crime can be committed by attempting to discredit potential jurors to ensure they will not be selected for duty. Once selected, jurors could be bribed or intimidated to act in a certain manner on duty. It could also involve meeting them against the law for the purpose of introducing prohibited outside information and then arguing for a mistrial. There had been several reported jury tampering cases in the past which necessitated this change in trend. The jury plays the role of fact finding and leaves the interpretation of the law to the judge and instructing the jury accordingly. The jury will render a verdict on the defendants guilt, or civil liability. Work of the juries is often justified as they are considered to leavening the law with community norms. Usually if the jurors find the law to be invalid or unfair, they may acquit the defendant, regardless of the evidence that the defendant violated the law.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Distribution Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Distribution Strategy - Case Study Example An online platform will allow us to distribute the product across the county with ease and with relatively low cost-related dynamics. We will create an easy-to-maneuver website where customers can access information pertinent to the product as well as buy products at the comfort of their homes or workplaces. Aside from the website, we will develop a smartphone application with an easy to use interface which will increase our competitiveness. Statistics document a large number of the county residents are technologically savvy and have access to mobile phones and computers. This works to our advantage. Increasing the number of distribution channels ensures a greater customer base, increased productivity and enhanced profit-making potential. Therefore, to increase sales volumes, we will employ services of sales representatives, intermediaries, local distributors and incorporate direct distribution methods in our distribution strategy whenever necessary so as to increase accessibility of Old-Timer.The firm has already made provisions to purchase 5 delivery vehicles to facilitate transportation. These vehicles will be strategically scheduled to commute and avail the product to all markets. Through establishing strategic partnership with key players in the industry, we will ensure that our product is in supply stores, supermarkets, established care centers and nursing homes countywide. Our target market is specifically women aged above 35 years and the younger generation willing to purchase the product for their parents.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Rawls Notion of the Political and the Realism View
Rawls Notion of the Political and the Realism View Bree Dela Rosa Rawls Political Concept and the View Associated with Realism Introduction John Rawls in his work sought to capitalize on the concept of justice; enabled by his exploration on The Theory of Justice. As discussed by Rawls, the bone of contention when it comes to the aspect of the truth is that; the principles of justice in the structural dimension of the society are the main guidelines.[1] Getting back to the main idea which is the political aspect, there is an intertwine between the concept of justice and the political aspect. Rawls noted that to attain an upper hand in the political arena; there is a collision with the discussed principles of justice.[2] On the liberties that the citizens of a particular country are endowed to; political independence is one of the same. Political freedom gives a citizen the right to participate in a voting exercise, and also, can be a participant in elective public positions.[3] Political liberty is one of the political reasons that the same citizens get to enjoy. Realism, as highlighted, is a phrase that enjoys a broad ra nge of definitions.[4] The different usage it has is in the various areas such as; art, moral philosophy, politics among others. It is important to note that realism involves adorning in a particular attitude towards the world, to focus on the most salient dimensions of a given situation, whether or not they conform to our preferences or desires.[5] Through the in-depth study of the film Glory, it shall be possible to determine the differences that exist between the political aspect and realism. The shared thoughts of Rawls opined that a society based on ideologies of politics is that where the citizens get to enjoy the outlined political liberties which are free from ambiguity.[6] All the people despite their political inclinations, races, sexual orientation or even religious affiliations are to enjoy these political rights. However, in the Edward Zwick-directed film Glory, this is not the case. There seemed to be some alienation when it came to the enjoyment of the liberties endowed to the citizens and especially those partaking in the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.[7] All the soldiers and army personnel participating in the field were bound to receive their provisions and personal effects from their heads charged with that duty by the government. Robert Shaw in the film Glory unearthed that black soldiers were discriminated upon and even denied basic items such as the shoes. It is important to know that as determined by a particular author; realism is frequently employed as a term to describe approaches that focus on the sources, modalities, and effects of power.[8] Therefore, realism augurs easily with the various slots whether in leadership or the political arena. Besides, realism aligns to the realpolitik, which is a subject of both the military and political power and which finds unworthy the steps that would bring changes that ensure that there is progress on the global front.[9] In the film Glory, there are obvious stumbling blocks to the initiation of the changes that would provide the relative deduction of the racism menace and the ill treatment of the slaves. The federal government was itself, in fact, paying the black soldiers lesser amount compared to that given to the white soldiers.[10] The soldiers under the command of Shaw were being denied personal effects such as shoes due to their race. Some of these black soldiers who had joined the co mbat were former slaves. Despite having been soldiers for the primary purpose of participating in the battlefield, there was no awarding of black soldiers with a chance to do so. Instead, treatment as manual laborers was the order of the day. Another political notion offered by Rawls is that a society that is politically ideal is that in which there is some economic balance where those that are in socially unjust position are also able to live comfortably. This economic balance in a practical manner involves ensuring that the society is economically just where the haves and the have-nots get access to basic social amenities. In most communities, striking a balance in the distribution of resources among these two groups is considered a big challenge. The large gap existing evidences the situation between the wealthy and the have-nots. This gap between the rich and the have-nots continues to widen since the rich become richer while the poor become poorer. The disparity between the haves and the poor is because of the uneven sharing of resources. Among the needy in the society, there are fewer resources, and in other scenarios, these resources do not exist. The film Glory apparently pictures this kind of setup present in mos t communities. There is a major disparity in the economic resources at the disposal of the white soldiers and the black soldiers. Payments to the black soldiers are lesser than that of the white soldiers; where they get $10 in a month and their white counterparts receiving $13 during the same duration.[11] Also, the film depicts a picture where there is a subjection of harsh conditions on black soldiers. In totality, economic imbalance characterizes this society of members of the troops, which is the contrary of what Rawls advocated of a politically ideal society. Realism in the political angle as highlighted is not a new subject in general.[12] In a bid to make a comeback to the aspect of realism; one of the main areas eyed was the political philosophy and the normative political theory. Realism, in particular, is deeply entrenched in political philosophy.[13] In matters about the realism in political philosophy, it involves a roughly spoken manner. Besides that, its main area of interest is not in how people are supposed to act in an ideal or rational situation, what they are to vest their desires in or even the types of individuals they are meant to be. In fact, its primary interest is the operation of the social, economic or even political functions in a given community at a particular point in time. Another bestowed on the same is what moves members of this community to act in certain situations. There is a painting of this angle of realism in the film Glory. The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry is the particular circumstances at a p articular point in time of the members of the soldiers fraternity. Operations of the social, economic and political functions of the community of the troops depict realism in political philosophy. Socially, the black soldiers were considered to be in a cluster different from their white counterparts. There is outright discrimination in the job description, overall treatment, and even remunerations. The treatment of the black soldiers in this quarter was a clear reflection of the reigning political era. Therefore, fuelling of these actions against the black soldiers was by the federal government and the political class inclusive. The political ideas that Rawls had differed from the real situation that was on the ground. In fact, there was an intriguing disparity between political compliance and the political reality.[14] These emerging differences are the ultimate case scenarios in most situations and the one provided by the film Glory is no different. Shaw aggressively campaigned for the proper treatment of the black soldiers that he was commanding. Despite his desire for a perfect situation for these black soldiers, this would not be the case as the reality was that there was a deep entrenchment of racism in this particular society. In conclusion, there are standing differences in the political notion that Rawlings sought to communicate and the aspect of realism. There was a significant evidence of these different points in the film Glory. These differences provide a stable ground for the Rawls political notion and realism both on an independent framework. Bibliography Bell, Duncan. 2008. Political Thought and International Relations Bird, Colin. Ethics and Analytical Political Philosophy Broderick, Mathew; Washington, Denzel; Elwes, Cary; Freeman, Morgan. Glory. Dir. Zwick, Edward. The United States. TriStar Pictures. 1998. Retrieved from Philp, Mark. 2012. Realism without Illusions. DOI: 10 1177/0090591712541723 Rawls, John. 1971. Justice as Fairness [1] Rawls, John. 1971. Justice as Fairness. Pg. 1 [2] Ibid, pg. 4 [3] Ibid, pg. 8 [4] Bell, Duncan. 2008. Political Thought and International Relations, pg. 1 [5] Ibid [6] Bird, Colin. Ethics and Analytical Political Philosophy. Pg. 22 [7] Broderick, Mathew; Washington, Denzel; Elwes, Cary; Freeman, Morgan. Glory. Dir. Zwick, Edward. The United States. TriStar Pictures. 1998. Retrieved from [8]Bell, Duncan. pg. 1 [9] Ibid, pg. 2 [10] Broderick, Mathew; Washington, Denzel; n.p. [11] Ibid [12] Philp, Mark. 2012. Realism without Illusions. pg. 2. DOI: 10 1177/0090591712541723 [13] Ibid, pg. 2 [14] Bird, Colin, pg. 22
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Gender Battle in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein
The Gender Battle in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein The fight for domination amongst the sexes is a battle as old as civilization, where the ideas of gender hierarchies first began. These conflicts often manifest themselves unwittingly through literature, showing subtle signs of deeper tension that has ensued for centuries. The struggle between masculine and feminine becomes apparent through Frankenstein, a battle that results in the death of the potentially most powerful figure in the book. Frankenstein yields characters motivated by complicated thinking, specifically the title character, Victor Frankenstein. Victor is a brilliant 19th century Swiss scientist who succeeds in generating life with electricity, creating a creature that eventually turns on his master and begins a reign of terror wherever he roams. Understanding Victor in relation to feminist studies is possible through examining his actions regarding the monster’s request of Frankenstein to fashion him a partner. Unable to win the love of his maker, Frankenstein, or his makeshift step brother, man, the monster believes the only being capable of loving him would be a creature equally horrifying as himself. Frankenstein initially refuses to comply with the demand because of guilt he already feels for the evil his monster has done. Eventually moved to pity, Frankenstein agrees to design a female on the grounds that she and her mate will "quit the neighbourhood of man" and never be seen again (Shelley 144). Victor partially completes the project before he "[tears] the thing to pieces," reasoning that he cannot have any part of making another creature who, like her mate, could become a "curse upon mankind" (Shelley 144-145). His decision seems noble to the reader, as we... ...ect mankind, but rather a wish to keep order in the masculine world. Destroying the female monster ensures that there is no feminine force created the male counterpart cannot combat, be that Victor or the monster. The female monster is a symbol in Frankenstein of an unstoppable feminine force. Only through the demise of such a character is Victor Frankenstein assured that he has not allowed that force to commandeer the control he and mankind have over femininity. Works Cited Kiely, Robert. The Romantic Novel in England, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1972. Liggins, Emma 2000. 'The Medical Gaze and the Female Corpse: Looking at Bodies in Shelley's Frankenstein' Studies in the Novel, number 32: 129-146 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Ed. D.L. Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1994. The Gender Battle in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein The Gender Battle in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein The fight for domination amongst the sexes is a battle as old as civilization, where the ideas of gender hierarchies first began. These conflicts often manifest themselves unwittingly through literature, showing subtle signs of deeper tension that has ensued for centuries. The struggle between masculine and feminine becomes apparent through Frankenstein, a battle that results in the death of the potentially most powerful figure in the book. Frankenstein yields characters motivated by complicated thinking, specifically the title character, Victor Frankenstein. Victor is a brilliant 19th century Swiss scientist who succeeds in generating life with electricity, creating a creature that eventually turns on his master and begins a reign of terror wherever he roams. Understanding Victor in relation to feminist studies is possible through examining his actions regarding the monster’s request of Frankenstein to fashion him a partner. Unable to win the love of his maker, Frankenstein, or his makeshift step brother, man, the monster believes the only being capable of loving him would be a creature equally horrifying as himself. Frankenstein initially refuses to comply with the demand because of guilt he already feels for the evil his monster has done. Eventually moved to pity, Frankenstein agrees to design a female on the grounds that she and her mate will "quit the neighbourhood of man" and never be seen again (Shelley 144). Victor partially completes the project before he "[tears] the thing to pieces," reasoning that he cannot have any part of making another creature who, like her mate, could become a "curse upon mankind" (Shelley 144-145). His decision seems noble to the reader, as we... ...ect mankind, but rather a wish to keep order in the masculine world. Destroying the female monster ensures that there is no feminine force created the male counterpart cannot combat, be that Victor or the monster. The female monster is a symbol in Frankenstein of an unstoppable feminine force. Only through the demise of such a character is Victor Frankenstein assured that he has not allowed that force to commandeer the control he and mankind have over femininity. Works Cited Kiely, Robert. The Romantic Novel in England, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1972. Liggins, Emma 2000. 'The Medical Gaze and the Female Corpse: Looking at Bodies in Shelley's Frankenstein' Studies in the Novel, number 32: 129-146 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Ed. D.L. Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1994.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Formal & Informal Language Learning Experience
Formal, Non-formal and Informal Learning: What Are the Differences? Earlier this year I did some applied research on the differences between formal, non-formal and informal education in both the sciences, as well as literacy and language education. These terms have been used by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) as well as researchers and practitioners around the globe. Here’s a simplified explanation: Formal education – Organized, guided by a formal curriculum, leads to a formally recognized credential such as a high school completion diploma or a degree, and is often guided and recognized by government at some level. Teachers are usually trained as professionals in some way. Non-formal learning – Organized (even if it is only loosely organized), may or may not be guided by a formal curriculum. This type of education may be led by a qualified teacher or by a leader with more experience. Though it doesn’t result in a formal degree or diploma, non-formal education is highly enriching and builds an individual’s skills and capacities. Continuing education courses are an example for adults. Girl guides and boy scouts are an example for children. It is often considered more engaging, as the learner’s interest is a driving force behind their participation. Informal learning – No formal curriculum and no credits earned. The teacher is simply someone with more experience such as a parent, grandparent or a friend. A father teaching his child to play catch or a babysitter teaching a child their ABC’s is an example of informal education. These may be overly simplified explanations. There are times when the lines between each type of learning get blurred, as well. It isn’t always as cut and dry as it seems, but these definitions give you a general idea of each type of learning.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Water Table essays
Water Table essays Many people assume that water is an unlimited natural resource. Is this true? Although water appears abundant, recent circumstances indicate that it is seriously vulnerable to pollution and depletion. Throughout this essay we will examine what ground water is, how it is important in the water cycle, how its contamination can affect us, and what we can do to protect our ground water from contamination. Ground water is the water found in spaces between soil particles and rocks, within cracks of the bedrock. Ground water constitutes approximately 4% of all water in the hydrologic cycle. (Averett, McKnight, 1986) Some ground water can be found beneath the land surface in most of the United States. Because of its availability and general good quality, ground water is widely used for household needs and other purposes. Water can be found beneath the ground almost everywhere. About 97% of the worlds fresh liquid water is ground water. The quality and amount of ground water that is available varies from place to place. Major reservoirs of ground water are referred to as aquifers. Aquifers in some of the provinces extended underground far beyond the areas where they are mapped at or near the land surface. ( These aquifers occur in two types of geologic formations. Consolidated formations are those composed of solid rock with ground water found in the cracks. Unconsolidated formations are composed of sand and gravel, cobblestones, or loose earth or soil material. The amount of ground water in an unconsolidated formation varies depending on how closely packed the solid materials are and how fine-grained they are. Sand and gravel, and cobblestone formations are generally high-yield aquifers, whereas, finer-grained earth materials may have low yie lds. Aquifers and aquifer systems can be grouped into three categories, depending on the degree o...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Work of Art Titles
Work of Art Titles Work of Art Titles Work of Art Titles By Maeve Maddox When a freelance magazine writer asked me how the title of a sculpture should be written, I went to The Chicago Manual of Style to find out if it should be italicized, enclosed in quotation marks, or left plain. Here is the advice I found and passed on to the writer: Titles of paintings, drawings, photographs, statues, and other works of art are italicized, whether the titles are original, added by someone other than the artist, or translated. The names of works of antiquity (whose creators are often unknown) are usually set in roman. Though major works of art are generally italicized, some massive works of sculpture are regarded primarily as monuments and therefore not italicized. According to this advice, one should italicize Kindred Spirits (oil painting), Shore Lunch (non-monumental sculpture), and Rose and Driftwood (Ansel Adams photo), but leave the Venus de Milo (work of antiquity) and the Statue of Liberty (monumental) in roman type. After the fact, I checked to see what The AP Stylebook has to say about italicizing titles. The AP editors are against it: italics: AP does not italicize words in news stories. According to AP guidelines, the titles of just about everything are enclosed by quotation marks: book titles, computer game titles, movie titles, opera titles, play titles, poem titles, song titles, television program titles, and works of art. Exceptions are the Bible and books that are â€Å"primarily catalogs of reference material.†I decided to explore a few publications, American and British, to see how they do it. Two (both British) write the titles without italics or quotation marks. Four (all American) enclose the titles in quotation marks. Only one (also American) italicizes art titles, including works from antiquity. Here are seven of the examples I gathered: The Telegraph (British) I can hardly bear to look at a horrible little painting of a cloyingly sweet faced little girl entitled The Strawberry Girl, where the paint texture and layers of discoloured varnish were flattened during an early re-lining resulting in the ruin we see today The Independent (British) His giant sculptures, many of them human figures, include Yellow, a man ripping open his own chest and spilling out Lego innards (11,014 pieces make up the work), and a blue swimmer, as well as interpretations of masterpieces including the Mona Lisa The New York Times (American) The show includes works on loan as well as some of the gallerys recent acquisitions that have not been on view before, such as Frantisek Kupkas Organization of Graphic Motifs and Yves Tanguys The Look of Amber. The Sacramento Bee (American) Immediately you are struck by the rich and evocative figurative abstraction â€Å"Martyr With a Red Arm.†Boston Globe (American) Works like â€Å"Patina,†from 1975, and â€Å"Clavichord,†from 2002, feel like classic Ihara. The New Yorker (American) The sixth lot, â€Å"The Little White House,†a 1919 landscape by Willard Metcalf, sold for just over a million dollars. The Smithsonian Magazine (American) The Venus de Milo is the most famous sculpture and, after the Mona Lisa, the most famous work of art in the world. Best advice: Consult the style guide of the publication for which the article is intended. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should KnowDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"How often is "bimonthly"?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Implementing innovation in organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Implementing innovation in organizations - Essay Example m, in his innovation implementation article, an organization’s first step should entail knowing the ideal definition behind successful innovation for it to be on the safe side. The introduction part starts with the statement that ‘Successful innovation is turning ideas to money’, which depends on ones comprehension of the statement (Woods 2011). Essentially, the outcome should not necessarily be money but successful innovation should give something that is valuable in return to the organization or specific facets of it. Definitely, understanding innovation comprehensively forms a foundation for successful implementation, which is profitable to the organization in long term or short-term basis depending on the organizational goals. Decisively, I think that the understanding section should also entails evaluating your organization’s strategies, culture and other equally significant aspects such as size and core objective. This way one can relate how different approaches would apply in their organization, a factor that the article does not cover in depth. After forming a basis for implementation through utter comprehension, the next step in the article is determining the type of innovation the organization aims at achieving (Woods 2011). The statement is baffling but Tim goes ahead to explain what this step should involve. The innovation process can entail incorporation of new practices to the older ones or an exclusively new practice to bring value to the organization. I think this is essential because different corporations are in varying fields and markets; however, it is important that the way an organization chooses reflect on their needs. It is an important step, especially as the second because it relates with understanding innovation and the organization. However, the author does not give examples of how this step practically applies, which would give significant assistance to the readers. The author is keen to state out that organizations should
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Karim Rashid Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Karim Rashid - Assignment Example The concept of not liking the black color and preferring the color pink implies that black denotes fear, hatred, scare and anything that is harmful for us. The color pink on the other hand, is more bright and vibrant and depicts freshness. Therefore, instead of using black Rashid prefers to use pink in his designs to make his customers feel vibrant, lovely and confident. The concept of installing cameras in restaurants is an excellent idea because if any kind of unethical activities take place in any restaurant then, the criminals can easily be caught with the help of such cameras. (Karim Rashid, 2010)  Karim Rashid is one of the famous designers in the world who aims at changing the world with his classy designs. He is an Egyptian born in the year 1960. Rashid is an artistic person and the sight of sunset fascinates him. Rashid has won many awards for his designs. His recent project will be showcased in the Milan Furniture Fair. Rashid’s father is the greatest mentor of his life. Rashid is also a music lover. Some of his favorites are Terry’s cafà ©, Baby Mammoth etc. Rashid also has a passion for reading books. In fact, three books are very close to his heart. One of the books speaks of how a person can motivate the world with his ideas and thoughts thereby bringing in a change in the world. The other book is on psychology by Donald Norman and the last one is an autobiography by Miles Davis. Rashid feels that pink color portrays an energetic feeling and therefore he avoids black. The restaurants that he has designed have been planned in such a way that the customer s can make themselves feel comfortable, entertained and relaxed. Rashid does not love nature. His greatest loss in his life is that of his wife’s death. Disloyalty is that one quality that Rashid hates most. Rashid has also written a book named â€Å"I want to change the world, it’s a big world†. He has introduced modern technology in his
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