Monday, August 24, 2020
What Is the Need for an External Audit
The requirement for an outside review on account of organizations emerges basically from the presence of split-up of possession from control. At the point when control is shared a review report will be required so as to guarantee that all the accomplices or be it investors are in the same spot as the supervisors (the ones who will be controlling the organization) and recognize what has been going on in the organization, what's going on at present and what can be relied upon to occur later on so as to build returns in the company.The instance of a proprietor controlled organization is diverse as for the most part the chief will be working in the organization and will know about everything that will be occurring and won't need a review report to discover what is happening. Since the proprietor is separated from everyone else in dynamic, he thinks pretty much all the choices that should be made and won't discover through a review report that possibly the organization has chosen to grow and open another branch utilizing the aggregated or held profits.The review includes the client’s staff and the board in offering time to giving data to the inspector. The evaluators need some portion of the staff’s time as they won't know where the proprietary’s accounts are kept and in what direction they are recorded. To accumulate all the data that the evaluator will use in making his review report he needs to get it through staff. Since most proprietor controlled organizations are extremely little and the staff individuals are not many, it will make it hard for the Professional examiners to design their review to limit the disturbance which their work will cause.The review may wind up hindering different partners, for example, clients since administration can turn out to be delayed as one of the staff individuals will help the inspector, giving him all the documentation that he needs and going with him around as he explores the interior control gauges that have been made in the organization to perceive how viable they are. Application to loan specialists/monetary organizations for money might be reinforced by the accommodation of inspected accounts.However some budgetary establishments, a bank, for example, is probably going to be unmistakably increasingly worried about the eventual fate of the business and accessible security, than by the previous recorded records, examined or something else. Evaluated accounts can't anticipate the presentation of the organization later on, which is the data that the Bank will be attempting to discover. Along these lines; review reports are not an issue of fundamental significance, particularly in proprietor controlled companies.Not all proprietor controlled organizations should be evaluated. Evaluating of organizations doesn't rely upon the kind of proprietorship (that is, sole broker, association or co-employable), yet it generally relies upon the size of the current organization. There are laws th at have been made in the U. K that absolved certain organizations particularly the little ones and the proprietor controlled ones from being reviewed. Rather than following all review prerequisites, the proprietor controlled organizations can submit abbreviated accounts.The primary contrasts that can be created under the flag of shortened records fundamentally imply that a proprietor controlled organization doesn't need to incorporate a full asset report, benefit and misfortune record or executives report which would typically be required by Companies House. The proprietor controlled organization is as yet required to present an abbreviated asset report along with takes note of that clarify the year end adjusts appeared to be determined sheet. Under the review exception governs the year end represents a n proprietor controlled organization don't need to incorporate an evaluators report.When an examiner has arranged the records and presents a unique review report that report should e xpress that in the auditor’s supposition the truncated records are being submitted as per the suitable segment of the Companies Act. To fit the bill for having the option to document abbreviated records a little organization ought to fulfill at any rate two of three conditions. The three exception conditions preceding April 2008 were that yearly turnover is under 5. 6 million pounds, asset report complete is under 2. 8 million pounds and the normal number of workers is under 50.Where the money related year began after April 2008 the parameters expanded to, yearly turnover under 6. 5 million pounds, accounting report all out under 3. 26 million pounds and normal number of representatives under 50. At the point when a proprietor controlled organization fulfills the review exception parameters it can keep up that review exclusion for a full monetary year subsequently regardless of whether the parameters were surpass in that following money related year. There are benefits in sub mitting contracted records as more straightforward and simpler bookkeeping records can be kept up diminishing time spent on bookkeeping work.In expansion albeit potential providers and money related foundations may require subtleties of the year end monetary records it is worthy not to distribute full subtleties. In China, Owner controlled organizations have an exception from the review and this gives the board for littler organizations some recently discovered adaptability, Alyssa Martin says. Organizations might not need to deliver as much documentation or proceed as much testing to create management’s statement as they would have needed to create for the review, she says. They can utilize different measures, such as progressing screens or their very own understanding, to survey inside controls when they don’t must have the outside inspector reviewing their procedure or utilizing their procedure in playing out the review of inner control,†notes Weaver’s Martin. Yong Xu, CFO for Jingwei International, says he was thankful to see the review prerequisite lifted, despite the fact that the organization willfully delivered the review for its 2009 budget summaries and is intending to have the review again in 2010. Jingwei International is a China-put together innovation administrations supplier recorded with respect to the stock trade and is claimed controlled.However while the ongoing enactment excludes littler organizations from the review of inner control, it doesn’t loosen up any of the necessities for organizations to build up and keep up a compelling control condition or to provide details regarding the adequacy of controls, says Alyssa Martin, an official join forces with review firm Weaver. That’s in light of the fact that the Dodd-Frank bill doesn't absolve littler organizations from Section 404(a), which is the prerequisite for the board to create its own report on the viability of controls to alleviate mistakes i n budget summaries. â€Å"It doesn’t truly change the job of management,†says Alyssa Martin. They despite everything need to comprehend the plan of inner control and evaluate the adequacy. †â€Å"It’s not a cake walk. On the off chance that you’re not reporting anything or busy, you’re not following the SEC’s direction. †â€Jim DeLoach, Managing Director, Protiviti. Proprietor controlled organizations should review their records as this diminishes the Risk of Fraud. Various variables influence the hazard or presentation to misfortune from extortion, and a few associations endure more misrepresentation than others. The frequency of extortion in books of record is dispersed unevenly. A few ventures, a few organizations, a few occupations, and a few people are higher dangers than others.If accounts are by and large continually examined, workers will consent to the guidelines and do the right thing; then again, this can turn into an inspiring variable on account of representatives as they realize that adjustments in the organization for better that have been started by them will be perceived. Numerous organizations have grasped intentional ecological reviews, usually known as self-reviews, as a significant business asset. Specialists and specialists concur that the training can be of tremendous advantage to ventures in a wide range of enterprises, for it addresses such a significant number of features of an organization's operations.For model, Barbara Ceizler Silver, creator of Environmental Self-Audit for Small Businesses, depicted oneself review as an important â€Å"diagnostic tool†that can be utilized by organizations trying to recognize and deliver consistence issues identifying with air, water, land use, strong waste, and dangerous materials preceding submitting formal license applications or different business forms. The act of deliberately checking consistence with natural guidelines through the act of self-inspecting has gathered impressive help from state administrators too. Starting at 2000, ecological self-reviews get noteworthy legitimate insurances in 26 states.The assemblage of law in these states keeps up that organizations can deliberately test for infringement and right all already undetected issues without lawful punishment. Organizations that report infringement keep away from monetary punishments and get extra an ideal opportunity to redress issues. Generally noteworthy of every one of, the consequences of self-review tests and projects in these states get critical legitimate assurances from open exposure The benefits of a review report in proprietor controlled organizations might be there, yet the burdens far exceed the points of interest and subsequently I concur with the explanation that proprietor controlled business ought not have review reports.This is on the grounds that this will be a huge and superfluous cost to the organization and will bring abo ut the organization spending enormous sums on inspecting which could have been occupied to growing the business. There are modest elective techniques that proprietor controlled organizations can use to deal with their organizations than reviewing their records and getting review reports each year. (1503 words)References Abdel-Khalil A. R. (1983). For what reason do privately owned businesses request reviewing? A case for authoritative loss of control. Diary of Accounting, Auditing ;amp; Finance, 8(1), 31-52 Proviti Flash Report on SOX 404(b) July 17 2004.Accounting and Audit Exemptions for Small Companies in the U. K-Terry Cartwright Environmental Self-Audit for Small Businesses: A Quick and Easy Guide to Environmental Compliance. New Y
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lives of Athenian and Spartan Women
Lives of Athenian and Spartan Women Athens and Sparta were known as the well known Greek city states. The two administered their city state contrastingly in political framework, public activity, economy, training, strict view, etc. Another fundamental contrast was the womens rights and force. Athenian ladies were awfully rewarded. They were profoundly kept and secured at home in light of the fact that the conviction to Athenian men was that ladies were exceptionally sexual creatures who couldn't control their sexual desires and along these lines must be confined for their own advantage. Then again, Spartan ladies agreeably live with their status, rights, force, and regard which the ladies of another Greece city states werent fortunate to be charm with those opportunity. Spartans understood that paying little mind to sexual orientation every single Spartan individuals had a commitment to serve the battle ready finish of Sparta.(Gaughan) This paper generally centers around how Athens and Sparta distinctively and comparat ively offered their ladies the accompanying inquiries: How were Athenian and Spartan ladies instructed? How could they get hitched? Might they be able to ladies separate from their significant other? What did they do when they become a mother? How did Athenians and Spartans judge their ladies? How friendly were Athenian and Spartan ladies? Did they have option to claim property? How could they get citizenship? What are the likenesses between them two? Athens was an incredible capital and the biggest Greece city state. It was a heart of monetary, political, money related and culture life in Greece. Athens spoke to opportunity, workmanship, and popular government. Athens was given its name from Athena goddess who is the goddess of astuteness and information and won the opposition with the ocean god Poseidon. Besides, the legislature of Athens was constrained majority rule government. Furthermore, Athens economy for the most part relied upon exchange. Sparta was a notable city state in Greece, and situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. At the point when Sparta attacked Dorians, and brought both the neighborhood and non-Dorian populace leveled out, it showed up as a political element around the tenth century BC. Later on, it turned into a solid and predominant military land-power in old Greece. It viewed itself as the Greece defender, giving master armed forces to Greece at whatever point required. The political arrangement of Spartan government was a government managed by two lords. Also, financial in Sparta primarily centered around farming instead of exchange. How were Athenian and Spartan ladies instructed? Athenian ladies werent expected to get training from school, for example, how to compose and peruse. Be that as it may, they were shown perusing at home. They were likewise shown important family aptitudes, for example, turning, weaving, and sewing, cooking, cleaning and overseeing other household obligations by their moms, and even the slaves whom their families had. Moreover, they got training about realities on folklore, religion and infrequently instruments. Then again, since the Spartans accepted that if their ladies are taught and can secure themselves; Spartan ladies could likewise oversee property of their significant other while he was no more. As the outcome, a large portion of Spartan ladies are proficient. At seven years old, Spartan ladies were both scholastically and truly taught. In any case, they didnt get any information identified with local work as Athenian ladies, for example, weaving, cooking, sewing, and others on the grounds that these sorts of work were obligations of helots and slaves in Sparta. For scholastic training, they were instructed to peruse, compose, and ensure themselves. They got social training including verse, social and strict traditions, choral recitation, move and music. What's more, music was a principle area in strict celebration. Austere ladies, accordingly, figured out how to sing and perform move. For physical instruction, Spartan ladies were prepared in competitor rivalries, for example, running, wrestling, and spear tossing. In addition, they were well knownâ with their extraordinary information in rearing and preparing as well as riding horseback and driving little pony driven trucks. How could they get hitched? Since birth, Athenian young ladies were exceptionally ensured and kept at home. Athenian dads orchestrated and wedded of their young adolescent girl at early age, regularly at thirteen years old or fourteen; to men who were 30 years of age and now and then from conspicuous families in Athens society. The ladies father commended a wedding service call gamos, which the point is to show that the lady of the hour was passed to the lucky man. Athenian lady of the hour couldnt meet her husband to be until the agreements had just been affirmed. The procedure of marriage was very long and confused. After the marriage Athenian ladies should join or move to live in their spouses family however they werent considered as full individual from the new family until they birthed the primary youngster. In contrast to Athenian ladies, Spartan ladies had non-formal for their relationships. Usually, they got hitched at eighteen years old years old. A Spartan lady was appointed to wedded a man who came and stole her at mid night from her family. From that point forward, she shaved her head and wear keeps an eye on garments. At that point she had the option to meet her better half, generally for youngsters reason. After relationships, a couple lived independently. In the event that spouse joined war for a really long time, Spartan lady could locate another husband. Might they be able to ladies separate from their significant other? Ladies in Athens couldnt separate from their better half without giving any sensible confirmations to open authority and understanding from their significant other. In spite of the fact that they effectively separated, they would lose all rights to their youngsters. Oppositely, Spartan ladies could separate from their better half without losing any riches, properties, and even rights to youngsters. What did they do when they become a mother? Athenian ladies should give solid child who might be solid fighter. In this way they werent permitted to take parts in game, rivalry, and military. Then again, being a sound mother delivering solid and fearless child to serve in Spartan militaries was a basic role for Spartan ladies since Spartan was known as solid battle ready city province of Greek. In this way, Spartan ladies included inâ military preparing, did activities, and join athletic rivalry to make their bodies fit, solid and sound. How did Athenians and Spartans judge their ladies? Athenian ladies were unequivocally decided on their fake magnificence instead of common excellence. They preferred wearing significant and expound adornments and pleasant garments for being alluring and different purposes. In actuality, Spartan ladies were notable for their characteristic excellence. Thusly, they were illegal to wear or utilize any sorts of beauty care products or cosmetics, particularly gems, which was a genuine evasion for them. How amiable were Athenian and Spartan ladies? Athenian ladies had less opportunity. They had an isolated life since they had to remain at home more often than not. They would lose their status on the off chance that they neglected to do as such. Since Athenian ladies were instructed, they couldnt have transporters or hold office in the public eye, for example, prostitute, advertise dealer, woodwind players, artists, medical caretakers, and mid spouses. Just freewomen of less fortunate classes could do exchange commercial centers, and went open air considerably more than affluent ladies. More than this, ladies from rich family were truly secured by their slaves or male family members, and they needed to keep up and ensure their notoriety by not talk intimately with men. In spite of the fact that Athens was a popular government, Athenian ladies still couldnt join open exercises, for example, casting a ballot or participating in state activity. They could neither watch nor take an interest in the Olympic Games, military preparing, and even athletic rivalries. In any case, they could leave the houses to join strict celebration. Straightforward ladies, then again, lived openly and left the house at whatever point needed. They were firmly offered certainty to talk in broad daylight. They could join bunch conversation openly. They could include in military and furthermore legislative issues. Did they have option to claim property? Straightforward ladies were permitted to possess riches and property. After wedded, ladies in Sparta could claim both her spouses land and hers, however her property couldnt become her significant other land. Aristotle expressed that, by the fifth century B.C., Spartan ladies claimed two-fifths of the land. Straightforward ladies had position to control, oversee and, desert the land they claimed at whatever point they wished. They could legallyâ pass their property to children and little girls. Moreover, they could likewise get pay earned structure their territory. Indeed, even idea Athenian ladies could possess adornments, garments, cheap things, they couldnt get the sort of proprietorship as Sparta, for example, claiming area, extravagances, or any things that put into contract. So, they didnt have budgetary freedom. How could they get citizenship? In thought of Athenian men, ladies were less vital. In this manner, Athenian ladies werent offered Athenian citizenship. In contrast to ladies in Athens, ladies in Sparta were considered as Spartiates and furthermore residents of Sparta thought they couldnt join open get together. Getting citizenship in Sparta, one needed to pull back benefit from possessing area to pay for government. As what referenced above, Spartan ladies could possess land, so they could be granted the Spartan citizenship. What are the similitudes between them two? As per what appeared over, the life of Athenian and Spartan ladies are unique in relation to one another. Be that as it may, they despite everything had a few center. Them two were required to get hitched. What's more, the relationships were organized by fathers. More than this, the two were relied upon to give solid and sound children. The two needed to hold up under their kids. They couldnt join get together. They could claim property. To put it plainly, ladies status in Sparta and Athens are very unique in relation to one another. As we see, while Spartan ladies were instructed to compose, read, and think about social information, Athenian ladies were educated overseeing family obligations. For marriage, Athenian ladies were e
The Financial Folly of MLB Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Financial Folly of MLB - Case Study Example The case has sub - issues inside the fundamental case that incorporate the conduct of different groups that take an interest in the class. The character and pattern in conduct of the groups along with their fans is a factor that can make it a subject of thought or conversation. In such a specific case, systems that must be utilized to take care of the issue must be fundamentally examined. The technique that has been utilized here is that of tax collection, and the proprietors are intending to switch recipes. The procedure will be done such that the biggest level of cash is granted to the group with the biggest income dissimilar to where before the biggest rate was given to the group with the most minimal incomes. This methodology accompanies the open door in imparting inspiration among the groups however faces the test of income assignment in light of the fact that deciding the rate for the center groups won't be simple. In identifying with the primary issue of execution of the association, the financial strategy may realize blended outcomes. From the outset, because of obstruction from different groups and partners, incomes will be low however they will undoubtedly increment with time after an away from of the approach and the groups have been synchronized. As a suggestion, the legislature should step up to the plate and offer more incomes and rates to the association that are in the economy. Aside from professional stability being ensured, there is additionally work fulfillment to both the proprietors of the Baseball League and the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Argue a global issue presented in or surrounding your short story. How Research Paper
Contend a worldwide issue introduced in or encompassing your short story. How generalizing or passing judgment on individuals influences our general public. (base - Research Paper Example We discover the ladies of the town revering the man, seeing his exquisite face and body. The physical characteristics of the man makes ladies connected to him. Townspeople make an interpretation of his physical characteristics into his character (Rabassa, 2010). Ladies of the town feel compassion toward him and figures how great it would have been if the man was alive. Locals feel for the man who is dead. The town individuals mastermind fabulous burial service game plans for the man simply because he is attractive. The cutting edge world has a similar attitude as the individuals of this town; generalizing is the center idea that administers the world. Preference and generalizing debases connections. Multicultural social orders are under the scourge of bias and separation. Considering the United States for instance we can find that bias is the most significant component of the general public. It is only partiality that has caused separation, abuse and pressures among different racial and ethnic classes in the United States (Forbes, 2010). Preference brings about racial profiling, distance, lodging isolation, hazardous ethnic jokes and different issues (GLIMUN, 2009). Bias destroys a wide range of associations. No relationship would live within the sight of partiality. The very word bigotry is characterized as a partiality that causes the individuals from one race to feel themselves characteristically unrivaled than the individuals from another race (GLIMUN, 2009). Partiality reflects isolation, and it has totally hindered the advancement of the country. The term ‘prejudice’ now emblematically speaks to the life of the contrarily special minorities in the United States. This odd racial preference has come about into a separated, not well evolved and racially isolated society that has supported racial doubt, silly clashes and different segregations that keeps the general public from acquiring genuine racial correspondence (United Nations, 2010). Parti ality blocks collaboration and shared regard and crushes connections. Partiality breaks up the great connection between individuals of various race, ethnicity and nationality. Racial preference and isolation has brought about foundational imbalances that remain as an obstruction to the turn of events (of the entire society) and individual improvement of people. Bias has contributed for the broadening of the financial hole between prevalent gathering (whites) and the minorities (blacks). Racial partiality has driven the country to different condemnations like racial profiling. Racial profiling is a demonstration from the side of police (or a private security practice) through which an individual is religion superfluously associated in light of the fact that with the sub-par nature of his/her race, nationality, ethnicity or religion (Cole and Smith, 2010). Cops regularly stop, check, and inspect the vehicles of their casualties (forcibly likewise) with no explanation or verification a bout the trouble making or guiltiness of the individual (Cole and Smith, 2010) (Cleary, 2000). Racial profiling emerges because of an inappropriate partiality that the racially sub-par individuals are probably going to carry out wrongdoings (however it isn't so). African-Americans and Latinos are the casualties of racial profiling much of the time. Police has a general conviction that non-white individuals are for the most part sedate clients and venders. In any case, contemplates (reports with respect to police stops and checking) have uncovered that individuals who are viewed as racially mediocre
Monday, July 20, 2020
The Differences Between a B.S. and a B.A. in Psychology
The Differences Between a B.S. and a B.A. in Psychology Student Resources Print Differences Between a B.A. and a B.S. in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on October 14, 2019 Ariel Skelley/Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers The first thing that many newly decided psychology majors might notice is that their university offers two degree options: the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and the Bachelor of Science (B.S.). What is the difference between these two degrees? Is one degree better than the other? The two options are often very similar, but there are a few key differences of which students should be aware of. Each university may differ, so it is important to start by taking a look at your schools undergraduate catalog to see the differences between the two degrees. Note the core classes required for each degree, and then look at the electives and subject-matter courses that are required. Then talk to your academic advisor for more detailed information about your universitys degree offerings. Bachelor of Arts vs. Bachelor of Science So what is it that distinguishes a BA in Psychology from a BS in Psychology? B.A. in Psychology Involves More Liberal Arts Courses Generally speaking, a Bachelor of Arts degree focuses on more liberal arts general education courses. Students who choose this degree may also be required to complete a foreign language component. The B.A. option usually involves taking fewer courses in psychology and more classes in subjects outside of the major field area. B.S. in Psychology Requires More Science, Math, and Psychology Courses A Bachelor of Science degree will focus on more science and mathematics courses. Students pursuing a BS in Psychology may have to take more lab and statistics, general education classes. The BS option involves a stronger concentration on the major area of study and students take more psychology courses than those who are pursuing a BA. The subject-matter area of the degree may also focus more on research methods and applied psychology courses. Which Degree Is Better? While one degree is not necessarily better than another, some educational experts suggest that students who earn a B.S. degree in psychology have greater flexibility and more opportunities. However, it is important to focus on choosing a degree that is the best-suited to your unique needs, skills, interests, and professional goals. The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology is a great option: For students who have a keen interest in psychology but also want to explore other disciplines in greater depth. For example, you might want to study psychology but also take a lot of courses in an area such as nutrition and health. Such preparation might be perfect for students who are considering specialized psychology fields such as health psychology or forensic psychology.Students who choose this degree option can also opt to go later on to further study in law, social work, counseling, education, journalism, political science, and business. The Bachelor of Science in Psychology offers excellent preparation for: Careers in science as well as further graduate study in psychology or related disciplines.Students with a strong interest in science can also benefit from this degree options extensive study in biological science and research methodology.If you plan to attend graduate school in psychology, you should definitely consider the Bachelor of Science option. Before deciding which option is right for you, review your universitys requirements for each degree and talk to an advisor within the psychology department for further advice. Consider a B.A. You are planning on going straight into the workforce after completing your undergraduate degree. You plan on going to graduate school in a non-psychology field such as business, law, counseling, social work or management. You are interested in taking a wider range of humanities courses including foreign language classes. Consider a B.S. You are interested in a more science-oriented curriculum. You plan to earn a graduate degree in psychology. You plan to go to medical school. You are interested in taking a wider range of science-related courses. A Word From Verywell A bachelors degree in psychology can be a great stepping stone toward either a rewarding career or further graduate study. However, it pays to consider which type of bachelors degree will best serve your goals. A bachelor of arts degree in psychology can be a great choice if you are interested in going straight to work after graduation or if you are thinking of pursuing a graduate program in something like law or counseling. If, however, you are thinking about committing to further graduate study in psychology, a bachelor of science in psychology may be the better choice. Because the bachelor of science tends to focus more on psychology courses in general, it tends to offer better preparation for those thinking of becoming practicing psychologists. In either case, consider your goals and what you plan to do with your degree in order to determine which option is right for you.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
2019 Best Brightest Dipak Kumar, Wharton School
Dipak Kumar 2019 Best Brightest: Dipak Kumar, Wharton School by: Jeff Schmitt on March 23, 2019 | 0 Comments Comments 722 Views March 23, 2019Dipak KumarUniversity of Pennsylvania, The Wharton Schoolâ€Å"A blue collar farmer and political junkie who likes white collar shirts and spreadsheets.†Fun fact about yourself: I grew up on a walnut, pistachio, and almond farm in Central CaliforniaHometown: Tulare, CaliforniaHigh School: Tulare Western HighschoolMajor: B.S. Economics with dual-concentrations in Entrepreneurship and OperationsMinor:Favorite Business Course: Venture CapitalExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:Co-Chair of the Wharton Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Board where I worked on academic issues including gender equality, career selection, and new class developmentWriter for the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative where I had 5 articles publishedWharton Communication Fellow – where I was an assistant in Wharton pub lic speaking classes for 2 yearsResearch assistant for New York Times Bestselling Author, Adam GrantAwardsNational Finalist for the Truman Scholarship, CaliforniaPenn Nominee for the Marshall ScholarshipDean’s List Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior YearWhere have you interned during your college career? (List Companies, Locations and Roles)Kaiser Associates, Washington D.C., Summer Associate ConsultantS. House of Representatives, Washington D.C., Congressional InternAGR Partners, Visalia CA, Summer Private Equity AnalystCalifornia Future Farmers of America Association, Sacramento CA, State PresidentWhere will you be working after graduation? Cove Hill Partners, AnalystWhat did you enjoy most about your business school? At Wharton, I love that in more than 50% of our classes, we are required to work on teams. Learning individually is an important skill, but at Wharton, I learned with and from my brilliant peers whose perspectives and abilities made me better.What advice would yo u give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? Business connects to all fields and can be a gateway to exploring any topic. If you are passionate about life sciences, entertainment, government, or building, etc. there is a place in the business world for you to pursue it and make a career out of it.What has surprised you most about majoring in business? It has surprised me that business has given me a framework to think. In other majors, people always talk about developing a â€Å"toolkit†like an engineer’s, or a liberal arts â€Å"toolkit,†but a business education has a similar reward. One learns to think about qualitative and quantitative evidence, about how to turn ideas into reality in a way that is sustainable, and how to utilize the talents of a team. I feel confident about the next phase of my life because I have a business toolkit.â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦Political Science and International Relations. I have always loved politics and global affairs and have a desire to help people in my future career. Making the choice to study political science and international relations would give me the ability to join the institutions that are solving some of the world’s biggest problems.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My father is the one who influenced me to study business. Although he is a doctor and is passionate about medicine, he is also passionate about agriculture and started a farm in my hometown almost 30 years ago. Growing up in that farming with a doctor-farmer Dad, I learned that I loved working in a family business, and that business was a way to manifest multiple passions just like my Dad. Given my eclectic passions in agriculture, political science, and entrepreneurship, business was the perfect choice for me.Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am most proud of be ing a National Finalist for the Truman Scholarship, a graduate scholarship that is given for students who have a demonstrated history of public service and want to pursue public service in the future. Finalists for this award are not typically those that study the private sector, like business majors. However, I was able to show that someone with a business background cannot only serve others but can benefit others because of that different perspective. It validated my dream of using my career to find better ways for the public and private sector to work together in a way that helps others.Which classmate do you most admire? I most admire my fellow Co-Chair on the Wharton Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Board, Danielle Clanaman. Danielle is an incredible student with amazing grades, internship experiences, and awards. That is not why I admire her though. I admire her because all those things are just a consequence of the tremendous love she has for learning, and her unbounded c apacity for working hard and being kind to others.Who would you most want to thank for your success? I would like to thank my mother for my success. She is also a doctor in Central California like my father. Earlier, I explained that my dad showed me that business is a way to manifest one’s multiple interests. My mom is the reason those interests exist in the first place. She pushed me to try new experiences, including things I was uncomfortable with my entire life. She never forced me to stick with any of them though and allowed me to choose my own passions. I do not define myself as a business student, or a political junkie, or a farmer, or a writer, or an entrepreneur solely. I define myself as all those things and more because of my Mother.What are the top two items on your bucket list?Road Trip in a van across the United States with my buddies with no planWrite a book about famous failures that individuals in American History made and why they were necessary for them to do something great later in their lifeWhat are your hobbies? Singing, guitar, pick-up basketball, watching Game of ThronesWhat made Dipak such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019?â€Å"Dipak is one of the most emotionally intelligent young men I’ve met in my fifteen-plus years at Penn. The initiatives he worked on with the Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Board required buy-in from many different levels of constituent and Dipak always approached these conversations with a sense of complete calm. He always seeks to understand others’ views completely before reacting and in those conversations, he consistently demonstrates empathy. Yes, Dipak is incredibly intelligent, but it’s his awareness of self and others that makes him memorable.†Jonathan Katzenbach Managing Director, Wharton Undergraduate Division Page 1 of 11
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ( 1719-1787 ) - 1542 Words
Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart better known as, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was born in Salzburg, Austria to Leopold and Anne Marie Mozart. Leopold Mozart (1719-1787) was a violinist, composer and the Vice-Kapellmeister to the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg. His elder sister Marie Anne also nicknamed â€Å"Nannerl†, and are the only two to survive out of seven children. He and his sister were both child prodigies in music. At the age of three, Mozart would watch and mimic his elder sister as she played the harpsichord. Mozart’s father gives up composing and eventually becomes a teacher when he recognizes his children’s talents, he spent a lot of time with them on music and othe subject at which they also exceeded in these areas as well. Leopold teaches Mozart how to play the clavier, organ, and violin. At the age of four, he had already mastered some of the works his father had him play and by the time he was five, he had already composed a small andante and an allegro. In 1762, Mozart and his family traveled across Europe on a long tour that took three years to the courts of Paris, London, Munich, Mannheim, The Hague, and back to Paris, home and then Zurich, and Donaueschingen were they performed for the imperial court and nobles. In some of the cities they visited on tour Mozart would play, and sometimes his sister would improvise or play in courts, public, or church. In Paris, Mozart’s first music was published, sonatas for violin andShow MoreRelated Mozart Essay examples2056 Words  | 9 Pageswealth of serious and comic operas as well as vocal religious music also appeared during this time†(Ferris, 231). One of the best composer of this time was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In this paper I will go through his childhood, his friends and family, and of course his music. Enjoy!!! Child of the Enlightenment The world that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart entered ceremoniously in 1756 was brimming in change. Historians refer to this era as the Ag e of Enlightenment, one of unparalleled scientific, philosophicalRead MoreWolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay1335 Words  | 6 Pagesof Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria Pertl, Wolfgang Amadeus was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756. Considered by many to be one of the greatest musical prodigies in history, by the age of three he was already a keyboard-player and violinist. By five he was composing symphonies. Leopold Mozart (1719-1787), his father, undertook complete responsibility for the tutoring of Wolfgang and his elder sister Maria Anna (Nannerl), an extremely gifted keyboard player in her own right. Mozart spent fromRead MoreThe SUmmer of a Jupiter Symphony Essay2410 Words  | 10 PagesThe Summer of a Jupiter Symphony The year is 1788 as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began to work on his last three symphonies during a time of strife for musicians as the Austro-Turkish War continues to war on in Austria. Tired from moving his family from central Vienna to the suburbs of Alsergrund all while in debt to his ears as he continued to borrow money from friends including a fellow mason, Michael Puchberg, Mozart finished his final symphony on August 10, 1788. This piece, nicknamed the â€Å"JupiterRead MoreWolfgang Amadeus Mozart4740 Words  | 19 PagesWolfgang Amadeus Mozart (German: [ˈvÉâ€lfÉ ¡Ã‰â€˜Ã…‹ amaˈdeus ˈmoË tsaÊ t], English see fn.[1]), baptismal name Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart[2] (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular o f classical composers. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhoodRead MoreGeorge Frederick Handel Essay967 Words  | 4 PagesRiver Thames in 1715, during which the F major suite from Handels Water Music was probably played. Under the sponsorship of the duke of Chandos, he composed his oratorio Esther and the 11 Chandos anthems for choir and string orchestra (1717-20). By 1719 Handel had won the support of the king to start the Royal Academy of Music for performances of opera, which presented some of Handels greatest operas: Radamisto (1720), Giulio Cesare (1724), Tamerlano (1724), and Rodelinda (1725). In 1727 Handel became
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Conflict Of The United States - 855 Words
The definition of genocide must of recently changed without many individuals being aware, unless the current ongoing pertinent issue did not want to be addressed in the twenty-first century. In the largest country in Africa, it is unimaginable that a genocide conducted by their government continues while the rest of the world does nothing. The largest country in Africa is Sudan, which is located on the northeastern side of Africa. The western region of Sudan is the primary focus, Darfur. This region of Sudan has experienced for years a consistent war that overtime has become forgotten. In the twenty-first century, it is difficult to realize that an actual genocide is happening. The individuals in this region are experiencing a harsh and difficult life that begin in the year of 2003. Given, the conflict of Darfur began in the year of 2003 involving over 300,00 people being murdered and more then two million being displaced. Everyday individuals are being raped, murdered, displaced, a nd their villages are being burned down. The violence increases and individuals begin to believe that the raids were supported by the government. Otherwise, the government would of ceased the treatment. The armed forces of the government in Sudan are at an ongoing war with two rebel groups. The armed forces that is supported by the government is known as Janjaweed, literally meaning Devils on horseback. The two rebels group declare that their goals are to force the government of Sudan toShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Of The United States1380 Words  | 6 PagesThe beginning of the United States is largely rooted in a history of conflict. Lost in this history are the struggles of Native-Americans who played an integral role in shaping the nation. The development of the United States is a dialogue of culture clash wherein Indigenous nations desperately fought for their survival against conquering cultures and ideologies. Conquest narratives often fail to contextualize the true plight of Indigenous peoples in protecting their land. These Indigenous used variousRead MoreThe Conflict Of The United States863 Words  | 4 Pagesviolence, especially in some Asian countries. These situations can be caused by a war for many years, terrorists or natural disaster. Today, because of the war in Syria, millions of refugees are trying to move to other countries, including the United States. Therefore, it is necessary for US to take in refugees because it is our responsibility and morality to care about victims and refugees. There are a lot of reason reason can cause people to flee their homelands and become refugees. For exampleRead MoreThe Conflict Of The United States1342 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Joseph Brennan Jr. once said, â€Å"Religious conflict can be the bloodiest and cruelest conflicts that turn people into fanatics.†They often lead into wars and indefinite massacres. These kind of tensions tend to occur because of a fear that grows inside a country’s majority from a significant increase of another minor ethnic or religious group. That is the case Myanmar or Burma is facing today. According to the CNN journalist Ivan Watson, the conflict is happening between Buddhists, who are estimatedRead MoreThe Conflict Of The United States967 Words  | 4 Pages If the conflict of differences of opinions were to happen between authorities, then â€Å"they would lessen the respectability of the leaders, weaken the authority that they have, and distract the plans that they may have had†, as stated in Federalist 70 (3). Having too many leaders at once leads to chaos because people start to question what is being said to be true or false. He says that they may split the community into the most violent and incompatible groups, observing differences to the differentRead MoreConflicts And Fusions Of The United States1189 Words  | 5 PagesConflicts and fusions As we all know, the year 1865 was an essential year for people in the United States. It was also a beginning for American people to unify their countries and also a beginning for slaves’ freedom. However, it was also the year 1865 when American people lost a great leader, Abraham Lincoln. In Lincoln’ s 200th birthday, Obama said, â€Å"It s a humbling task, marking the bicentennial of our 16th President s birth-humbling for me in particular, because it s fair to say that weRead MoreEthnic Conflict in the United States678 Words  | 3 PagesEthnic Conflict in the United States The United States is considered a melting pot because of the vast array of different cultures, ethnicities, and religious groups who all live within its borders. Other countries with fewer cultural differences have been torn apart by the conflicts that arise between these differing groups. It is believed by some that the United States has been able to avoid such ethical conflicts as have brought down other nations but looking at American history it is evidentRead MoreConflict Resolution Of The United States1511 Words  | 7 Pageswonderful world of conflict resolution; more importantly, conflict resolution in the church. For the past six weeks students have constantly studied the different type of conflicts as well as the different methods of resolving the conflicts in question. This paper will cover a variety of the types of conflicts and some of the resolution learned in the class this year. In addition to that, the paper will also detail different case studies of the Bible where these particular conflicts are shown, howRead MoreThe Conflict Between China And The United States1386 Words  | 6 PagesHuntington’s theory of the â€Å"clash of civilizations†through cultural divisions in the context of the increasing global conflict between China and The United States. In essence, the â€Å"clash of civilizations†between China and the United States will be primarily based on the problem of cultural hegemony in the 21st century struggle for global dominance between these two modern nation states. Huntington’s theory provides ample evidence of the growing clash of religious cultural values, which are often basedRead MoreThe Conflict in Darfur and United States Involvement877 Words  | 4 PagesThe conflict in Darfur refers to the fighting that is happening in the western region of Sudan known as Darfur. These fights have been taking place since 2003 and have continued to today. Similarities can be made to the Rwandan Genoc ide; there is a government funded and armed militia that is not officially supported by the government that is killing a local population. The citizens of the region of Darfur that are being killed are not Arabic, like the majority of the rest of Sudan is, however, theyRead MoreThe Importance Of Foreign Conflicts In The United States1571 Words  | 7 Pagesearly years of this country’s founding. As the world’s only remaining superpower, should the United States remain globally vigilant? Should the United States ever shy away in the fact of glaring evidence of human rights abuses around the world? Should the United States let these countries maintain their freedom and right to govern themselves without outside interference? US involvement in foreign conflicts is a waste of resources, lives and money. US resources should be used to benefit its citizens
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction Of Homeland Security Boston Marathon Bombing
Introduction to Homeland Security Boston Marathon Bombing Usually a fun and exciting day, April 13, 2013 is literally a holiday in Boston, Massachusetts. This holiday is known as Patriot’s day. Many people from around the world come to Boston to put their bodies to the test and run in an iconic 26.2-mile marathon known as the Boston Marathon. On that day, many people would witness an act of terrorism on the people, which would leave a mark in history, killing three and injuring 260 people. The Boston Marathon bombing would become the worst terrorist attack on US soil since September 11, 2001. On April 12, 2013, it was a special day in Massachusetts. Many people gather to watch runners for an iconic run through Boston. Today would be the change of many people’s life. An eight-year-old would lose his life along with two other people. Almost twenty people would go on to become an amputee. The Tsarnaev brothers studied â€Å"how to†videos and documents showing them how to construct a homemade bomb. In the description, there was a statement telling them to trust in Allah. Two homemade bombs were placed near the finish line, probably a block apart. The first one going off closer to the finish line. As soon as the bomb goes off, all there is to see is a giant area, behind the fencing, of blood, people screaming and an immediate panic. The next couple days were a race to get the suspects apprehended before more carnage could happen. The city was locked down. The brothers were linkedShow MoreRelatedIntroduction The general topic for this literature review will be an examination of the Department1600 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The general topic for this literature review will be an examination of the Department of Defense and the National Guard in terms of Homeland Security. The areas of Homeland Defense and Civil Support will be primary subsections of Homeland Security which will be reviewed. For purposes of defining a time period none of the literature reviewed will be prior to September 11, 2001. The reasoning for this being to examine Homeland Defense using literature pertaining to 9/11 and the BostonRead MoreCommunication Response To 9 / 11 And The Boston Marathon Disaster1270 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Twin Towers on 9/11 in New York, there was chaos and confusion throughout New York and the entire country. The events following the Boston Marathon Bombing were full of confusion and stress. However, in both events, first responders were there to aid in whatever way they were able. First responders, like those that responded to 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombing, rely heavily on proper communication to do their job properly. While communication has advanced in the past years, there are alwaysRead MoreTechnology Has Become An Important Factor For Day1903 Words  | 8 Pagesguilty of surveilling its citizens, many citizens have vocalized their stance or opinion on the matter. While some citizens claim they cannot function with knowing that they are being watched, others say it is a necessary evil to ensure national security and prevent terrorism. There is an invisible line to many people between citizens’ personal space, and the government invading that bubble of personal space. The Patriot Act legalized mass surveillance in America in 2002. The Act was passed by PresidentRead MoreThe Homeland Security Act Of 20021813 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Since the creation of the Homeland Security Act in 2002 after the 9/11, attack the department has come across challenges and criticism from the government and private sectors alone. 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The activity report has shown it provides a strong well-rounded and strategic foundation of the highest priorities in which it ensures the department will invest and operate in a producingRead MoreDrones in America and How They Infringe on the 4th Amendment and Due Process of the Law2930 Words  | 12 Pagesstrict â€Å"limitations†the researcher reluctantly reports that, within the articles examined in this research document that transiently the community will have an overwhelming interest to be more receptive of drones used domestically. Introduction Since 9/11 Homeland security has infringed on the rights of Americans. First, it was TSA at the airport doing full body searches, and then it was a camera monitoring traffic at every street light. Now, it is unmanned aerial vehicles otherwise known as dronesRead MoreThe Psychology of Terrorist Group Recruitment2301 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction One of the most complex aspects of counterterrorism (CT) for the intelligence community (IC), law enforcement (LE), and CT communities is the psychology of terrorism. In the broad study of the psychology of terrorism, a highly misunderstood and challenging subject area is the recruitment of terrorists. A â€Å"normal,†rational person would wonder why an individual would pledge to commit acts of terror that would inflict lethal or grave danger upon innocent civilians for a politicallyRead MoreHate Crime And Mass Shootings Essay4636 Words  | 19 PagesAmerica s Greatest Threats: Domestic Terrorism, Hate Crimes and Mass Shootings I. Introduction Executive Order 13224 on Terrorist Financing under the guidelines of the United States (U.S) National Emergency Act (Pub. L. 94-412) went into effect on September 24, 2001 by President George W. Bush and remains active, for the reason that President Barak Obama, kept the order in an uninterrupted state of emergency throughout his presidency. Due to the guidelines of the statute, national state
The Selfishness Of Man in Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath Essay
The Selfishness of Man Cultural and economical pressures often lead people to behave corruptly. In John Steinbeck?s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, set in the dustbowl era, people act out of greed rather than out of consideration or kindness. Tom Joad and his family have been run off their land by inconsiderate, money hungry businessmen who do not care about the impact homelessness will have on the evictees. The story revolves around the Joad Family?s trip (joined by former preacher Casey) from Oklahoma to California, along route 66, where they expect to find work. Though Casey and the Joads are goodhearted and honest people, they are the victims of dishonesty and dupery when they realize that the jobs they have come so far to acquire pay†¦show more content†¦But what?ll happen to us? How?ll we eat? You?ll have to get off the land. The plows?ll go through the dooryard. (p.33)? This display of cruelty exemplified by the tenant owners shows the inhumane and pitiless attitudes which they possess. Their c ruelty towards their fellow man epitomizes the inhumanity which exists throughout the novel. Along with acting inhumane, businessmen also act selfishly and greedily in the beginning of the novel. Knowing that there will be many people homeless and jobless, orchard owners send out flyers encouraging tenants to come to California and pick fruits on their land. The flyers call for a certain amount of workers, yet they are sent to many more people than they call for, causing inflation at the orchard, the orchard owners receive many workers, and because of the mass number of employees, they can pay the workers less than what was originally promised. The orchard owner?s wily ways shows the lack of care for their fellow man. They exemplify their greed and dishonesty, and do not care that others are starving while they are perfectly content. They exemplify the inhumane and selfish actions which are ever-present throughout the novel. While being encamped in California after futile attempts to find good work, the Joads continue to experience the inhumane and selfish behavior of the businessmen. One day a car pulls up in the camp, and when everyone gathers around, the businessman in the carShow MoreRelated A Comparison of The Grapes of Wrath and Anthem Essay example914 Words  | 4 PagesComparing The Grapes of Wrath and Anthem     Two great intellectuals of the early twentieth century wrote works of fiction that have become classics; they espoused polar-opposite views, however, of how society best functions. Their battle between communalism, as pictured in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath, and individualism, as portrayed in Ayn Rands Anthem, was played out in their novels, and still continues to this day. Based on Ayn Rands book Anthem, Rand would definitelyRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of The Boy With A Red Pony1492 Words  | 6 PagesSharon is also called Rosashara, she is a married, teenage daughter of senior Joads. Sharon’s husband leaves her and then this have-not bears a stillborn baby because of the hardships she endures. As the story ends, she gives her own milk to a starving man to save his life. Noah is the slow-witted second son of senior Joads. He finally wanders around. He undergoes the pressures of the journey. Hunger becomes too much for this have-not to bear in the hardships so he dies. Al is the third son of seniorRead MoreThe Grapes of Wrath Synthesis Essay891 Words  | 4 Pagesso much so, that some have argued human nature is intrinsically violent and aggressive. This can be seen in chapter 25 of The Grapes of Wrath: the mindless destruction of resources ultimately amounts to nothing productive. In his novel, Steinbeck expresses harsh criticism and disa pproval toward humanity’s self-destructive and violent nature. Man’s cruelty to his fellow man, a major theme in the book, is very clearly addressed in chapter 25: â€Å"And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, andRead MoreWhen Creating His Short Stories/Novels, John Steinbeck1665 Words  | 7 PagesSteinbeck was able to see the United States develop, flourish. With this background, Steinbeck created some of his well known pieces being The Grapes of Wrath, Cannery Row, and Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team. The three books all have something in common. Each share real life experiences while pertaining to the theme(s) relevant in that era. The Grapes of Wrath is based in the Great Depression era in the Oklahoma dust bowl is about a family and thousands of others who set out on a journey to CaliforniaRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck2144 Words  | 9 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath is a well-known beloved novel of American Literature, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. Whoever said a road is just a road has not read The Grapes of Wrath. From the time we read when Tom Joad, novel’s protagonist, returns home after four years in prison; the meaning of roads changed. Route 66, also known as the mother road the road of flight, was a lifeline road, which allowed thousands of families to pursue their hopes and dreams. This road is also the road thatRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pages The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck, widely viewed as one of the most finest and powerful American writer, born to a middle-class family in 1902 in the Salinas Valley of California. Steinbeck is a writer who often spoke for the people. The Grapes of Wrath is a great movie, published in 1939, filled with many universal truths and views on human nature and society, especially where class is concerned. In the article, John Steinbeck The Grapes a wrath: A Call to Action says, â€Å"Steinbeck’s novel showcasedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Grapes Of Wrath 2169 Words  | 9 Pages Reoccurrence of a life Lurking underneath Steinbeck’s vivacious verbs and vivid adjectives, the reader can see his vivid, and often, complex characters. Steinbeck does not write specifically about the stories of his life, yet incorporates his own innate feelings into his characters. He institutes archaic animations in his characters that flow through each of his own stories. John Steinbeck s works, include little pieces of himself hidden in the heavy plots. This is also known becauseRead MoreScott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath1720 Words  | 7 PagesScott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath In the novels The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the authors present similar ideas, but use different methods to portray them. Similarities in themes can be made between the two texts; these include the pursuit of the American Dream and the use and misuse of wealth. Other themes are also central to each novel, the strength in unity and the influenceRead MoreEssay on Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath vs. Sinclair’s The Jungle1892 Words  | 8 PagesSteinbecks The Grapes of Wrath vs. Sinclair’s The Jungle The global appeal of the so-called American dream of happiness and success has drawn many people to the â€Å"promised land†for hundreds of years. Although the American government preached equality for all on paper, it was driven primarily by money. Both Upton Sinclair and John Steinbeck recognized this and used literature to convey the flaws of capitalism. Sinclair’s The Jungle satirized America’s wage slavery at the turn of the centuryRead MoreSymbolism Of The Steinbeck s The Grapes Of Wrath 2259 Words  | 10 Pages Symbols In The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family experiences many hardships on the journey to and in California, ranging from dying family members to a lack of sufficient food. In the third chapter of the novel, author John Steinbeck introduces a determined turtle who attempts to make its journey across a highway. The turtle is apparently nearly run over multiple times, and is actually hit by a car. This causes the turtle to be flipped on its shell, until it catches its footing and â€Å"little
Locke, Berkeley Hume Free Essays
Locke, Berkeley Hume Enlightenment began with an unparalleled confidence in human reason. The new science’s success in making clear the natural world through Locke, Berkeley, and Hume affected the efforts of philosophy in two ways. The first is by locating the basis of human knowledge in the human mind and its encounter with the physical world. We will write a custom essay sample on Locke, Berkeley Hume or any similar topic only for you Order Now Second is by directing philosophy’s attention to an analysis of the mind that was capable of such cognitive success. John Locke set the tone for enlightenment by affirming the foundational principle of empiricism: There is nothing in the intellect that was not previously in the senses. Locke could not accept the Cartesian rationalist belief in innate ideas. According to Locke, all knowledge of the world must ultimately rest on man’s sensory experience. The mind arrives at sound conclusions through reflection after sensation. In other words the mind combines and compounds sensory impressions or ideas into more complex concepts building it’s conceptual understanding. There was skepticism in the empiricist position mainly from the rationalist orientation. Locke recognized there was no guarantee that all human ideas of things genuinely resembled the external objects they were suppose to represent. He also realized he could not reduce all complex ideas, such as substance, to sensations. He did know there were three factors in the process of human knowledge: the mind, the physical object, and the perception or idea in the mind that represents that object. Locke, however, attempted a partial solution to such problems. He did this by making the distinction between primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities produce ideas that are simply consequences of the subject’s perceptual apparatus. With focusing on the Primary qualities it is thought that science can gain reliable knowledge of the material world. Locke fought off skepticism with the argument that in the end both types of qualities must be regarded as experiences of the mind. Lockes Doctrine of Representation was therefore undefendable. According to Berkley’s analysis all human experience is phenomenal, limited to appearances in the mind. One’s perception of nature is one’s mental experience of nature, making all sense data objects for the mind and not representations of material substances. In effect while Locke had reduced all mental contents to an ultimate basis in sensation, Berkeley now further reduced all sense data to mental contents. The distinction, by Locke, between qualities that belong to the mind and qualities that belong to matter could not be sustained. Berkeley sought to overcome the contemporary tendency toward atheistic Materialism which he felt arose without just cause with modern science. The empiricist correctly aims that all knowledge rests on experience. In the end, however, Berkeley pointed out that experience is nothing more than experience. All representations, mentally, of supposed substances, materially, are as a final result ideas in the mind presuming that the existence of a material world external to the mind as an unwarranted assumption. The idea is that to be does not mean to be a material substance; rather to be means to be perceived by a mind. Through this Berkeley held that the individual mind does not subjectively determine its experience of the world. The reason that different individuals continually percieve a similar world and that a reliable order inheres in that world is that the world and its order depend on a mind that transcends individual minds and is universal (God’s mind). The universal mind produces sensory ideas in individual minds according to certain regularities such as the laws of nature. Berkeley strived to preserve the empiricist orientation and solve Lockes representation problems, while also preserving a spiritual foundation for human experience. Just as Berkeley followed Locke, so did David Hume of Berkeley. Hume drove the empiricist epistemological critique to its final extreme by using Berkeley’s insight only turning it in a direction more characteristic of the modern mind. Being an empiricist who grounded all human knowledge in sense experience, Hume agreed with Lockes general idea, and too with Berkeley’s criticism of Lockes theory of representation, but disagreed with Berkeley’s idealist solution. Behind Hume’s analysis is this thought: Human experience was indeed of the phenomenal only, of sense impressions, but there was no way to ascertain what was beyond the sense impressions, spiritual or otherwise. To start his analysis, Hume distinguished between sensory impressions and ideas. Sensory impressions being the basis of any knowledge coming with a force of liveliness and ideas being faint copies of those impressions. The question is then asked, What causes the sensory impression? Hume answered None. If the mind analyzes it’s experience without preconception, it must recognize that in fact all its supposed knowledge is based on a continuous chaotic volley of discrete sensations, and that on these sensations the mind imposes an order of its own. The mind can’t really know what causes the sensations because it never experiences cause as a sensation. What the mind does experience is simple impressions, through an association of ideas the mind assumes a causal relation that really has no basis in a sensory impression. Man can not assume to know what exists beyond the impressions in his mind that his knowledge is based on. Part of Hume’s intention was to disprove the metaphysical claims of philosophical rationalism and its deductive logic. According to Hume, two kinds of propositions are possible. One view is based purely on sensation while the other purely on intellect. Propositions based on sensation are always with matters of concrete fact that can also be contingent. It is raining outside is a proposition based on sensation because it is concrete in that it is in fact raining out and contingent in the fact that it could be different outside like sunny, but it is not. In contrast to that a proposition based on intellect concerns relations between concepts that are always necessary like all squares have four equal sides. But the truths of pure reason are necessary only because they exist in a self contained system with no mandatory reference to the external world. Only logical definition makes them true by making explicit what is implicit in their own terms, and these can claim no necessary relation to the nature of things. So, the only truths of which pure reason is capable are redundant. Truth cannot be asserted by reason alone for the ultimate nature of things. For Hume, metaphysics was just an exalted form of mythology, of no relevance to the real world. A more disturbing consequence of Hume’s analysis was its undermining of empirical science itself. The mind’s logical progress from many particulars to a universal certainty could never be absolutely legitimated. Just because event B has always been seen to follow event A in the past, that does not mean it will always do so in the future. Any acceptance of that law is only an ingrained psychological persuasion, not a logical certainty. The causal necessity that is apparent in phenomena is the necessity only of conviction subjectively, of human imagination controlled by its regular association of ideas. It has no objective basis. The regularity of events can be perceived, however, there necessity can not. The result is nothing more than a subjective feeling brought on by the experience of apparent regularity. Science is possible, but of the phenomenal only, determined by human psychology. With Hume, the festering empiricist stress on sense perception was brought to its ultimate extreme, in which only the volley and chaos of those perceptions exist, and any order imposed on those perceptions was arbitrary, human, and without objective foundation. For Hume all human knowledge had to be regarded as opinion and he held that ideas were faint copies of sensory impressions instead of vice – versa. Not only was the human mind less than perfect, it could never claim access to the world’s order, which could not be said to exist apart from the mind. Locke had retained a certain faith in the capacity of the human mind to grasp, however imperfectly, the general outlines of an external world by means of combining operations. With Berkeley, there had been no necessary material basis for experience, though the mind had retained a certain independent spiritual power derived from God’s mind, and the world experienced by the mind derived its order from the same source. Word Count: 1374 How to cite Locke, Berkeley Hume, Papers
Patient Assessment and Care Plan Development - Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Patient Assessment and Care Plan Development. Answer: Introduction: The nursing process provides an orderly and logical way in problem-solving approaches for administers in the nursing care unit so that the customers needs are efficiently met (DOENGES MOORHOUSE, 2012, p.5). The nursing process comprises of five steps which are the assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The environment in which the assessment of the patient gets done should be safe to minimize any risk that may occur to the nurse or the patient (Smith and Rushton, 2015, p.34). The patient's room can be assessed for any material or wire that may cause risk during the assessment. Another crucial factor to consider before the evaluation is the privacy and dignity of the patient remains confidential by drawing the curtains around the patient's bed. Moreover, the patient should be at rest and comfortable emotionally and physically before the assessment begins. According to Smith and Rushton (2015, p.34), the nurse should also ensure that all the equipment she needs are available in good working condition before the assessment begins. This equipment may include a watch, stethoscope, a pulse oximeter and score chart to fill the findings after making observations. The nurse can also check the hygiene of her hands before beginning the assessment of the patient. According to Banet et al. (2013), vital signs can be detailed research on established findings of the patient, and they provide more credible information on the treatment measures to be taken on a patient. It may involve the nurse understanding the adequacy of oxygenated tissues in the blood that will enable natural breathing for the patient. For instance, a patient can be suspected of hypoxia when the signs and symptoms indicate low-oxygen levels in the blood (SHELLEDY PETERS, 2016, P.188). Other significant signs and symptoms may include excitement, restlessness, headache, and overconfidence. When the nurse does a physical examination of the patient, he or she has an increased heart rate and respiratory rate which raised the blood pressure and respiratory distress signs. The nurse, therefore, measures the pressure pulse launched by the heart within a specified period. Another simple test that is made by the nurse is when she measures the saturation of oxygen by pulse oximetry which provides an estimate of the oxygen saturation that safe and convenient (SHELLEDY PETERS, 2016, p. 189). Either way, the nurse may decide to make a direct measure of the patient's arterial oxygen composition. Though it is a suitable method to be used by nurses, it quite expensive and time consuming compared to other ways. According to SHELLEDY PETERS (2016, p.189), the treatment of hypoxia depends on the rate at which it may have affected the patient because the signs and symptoms tend to differ depending on the degree of infection. For instance, a patient with mild hypoxia will tend to have an increase in the breathing rate and shortness of breath which increases the heart rate and mild hypertension. It causes a patient to be overconfident, excited, tired, restless and in some cases, the patient feels dizzy (SHELLEDY PETERS, 2016, p.190). The moderate hypoxia is said to be identified by intercostal retractions and tachypnea which causes hypertension among its patients. The moderate hypoxia may cause agitation, impaired judgment, decreased in night vision and confusion. The severe hypoxia is characterized by strict respiratory arrest and cyanosis which result in cardiac arrest, hypertension which is later followed by hypotension. Most of the patients in this stage experience severe headaches, comma and sometimes unconsciousness (SHELLEDY PETERS, 2016, p.190). Primary Assessment of the Respiratory patient The assessment of the breathing rate of the patient is essential to find comprehensive information about what may be ailing the patient. According to GEHRIG WILLMANN (2013, p.224), the nurse may assess a series of steps which may include her placing her hands on the patient to feel the chest rise which enables her to know that if the patient is breathing in and out at an average rate. Furthermore, she may count the number of times the chest rises for about 30 seconds and multiply by 2 to find the patient's respiratory rate. The nurse takes sufficient time doing this so that she may make the critical observation on the rate of breathing and characteristics of what happens when the patient is breathing in and out (GEHRIG WILLMANN, 2013, p. 224). Therefore, the nurse can note if the breathing of the patient is irregular and she may also further her observation when she listens for any unusual breathing sounds. She can know if the patient requires a lot of effort to breathe because an average person's breathing is usually quiet and effortless. Furthermore, the nurse can understand if the breathing is abnormal when the patient breaths rapidly or has a weak air intake into the lungs (GEHRIG WILLMANN, 2013, p.224). According to GEHRIG WILLMANN (2013, p. 225), during the respiration assessment, it should be best done immediately after taking the pulse of the patient and the patient should not know whether the nurse measures his or her respiration rate. It is essential because respiration rate is under voluntary control and therefore if the patient knows that the nurse is counting the breaths she or he is making, the patient may change the breathing pattern (GEHRIG WILLMANN, 2013, p.225). This will result in inaccurate information regarding the patient which is very dangerous as it may lead to wrong diagnosis. Hence, after determining the pulse rate of the patient, the nurse should keep her fingers in a resting position on the patients wrist and begin making assessment on the patients breathing rate. This will keep the patient at rest since she or he may assume that the nurse is still counting her pulse rate. Furthermore, the nurse may observe the patient's breathing rate through the use of peripheral vision which sees the rising and falling of the chest through the patient may control the breathing rate voluntarily (GEHRIG WILLMANN, 2013, p.225). During this period of observing the rise and fall of the patient's chest when breathing, the nurse can note whether there is an abnormal breathing pattern when she counts the number of respirations the patient has made in 1 minute. It will further the nurse's findings on the unusual breathing characteristics of the patient. After all the results, the nurse can record the observations and conclusions in the patient's charts. It mostly relies on knowledge taught and it's a bit complex because it revolves around nursing theories and practices. Therefore, nurses may find it hard to understand how some aspects relate to care planning. According to Moura et al. (2015), the Roper-Logan nursing model aims at providing theoretical knowledge about nursing care based on daily living activities. The model is used by a nurse to assess the independence of the patient depending on their actions on a regular basis. It helps the nurse in determining which interventions may lead to increase independence as well as what are the ongoing support that is needed to terminate any dependency that may still exist (Moura et al., 2015). Hence, the nursing care plan comprises of what needs to be done to solve the actual problem that is ailing the patient. It also helps the patient to have a positive mindset on issues that they may experience and cannot get cured. Therefore, the activities done on a daily basis should not be in a checklist, but instead, Roper says that the nurse should view them as a cognitive approach on the care and assessment of the patient. The model states that the patient on admission undergoes evaluation and her or his independence and dependence should undergo review throughout the evaluation and care plan. Hence, the nurse is able to check if a patient is improving or not through observation of the patients change in the independence and dependence continuum. The model also includes activities of living such as eating and drinking, breathing, elimination, mobilization and maintaining a safe environment (Moura et al., 2015). For the assessment made, hypoxia affects the rate of breathing as one of its vital signs. The disease further results in hypertension and loss of consciousness. About breathing, Roper states that the mechanism of respiration is the expansion of the lungs to inhale oxygen which is followed by the relaxation of the lungs when exhaling carbon dioxide. The module further states that oxygen is transferred from the lungs to the tissues of the body through the blood and carbon dioxide is removed from the tissues through the blood when the lungs exhale and relax. According to Roper et al. (2012), he states that many activities affect the activity of breathing. For instance, diseases that affect the lower and upper respiratory duct which can lead chronic bronchitis, cancer of the lungs, asthma and acute conditions. Furthermore, Roper states that sniffing of toxic components may lead to adverse health effects and may lead to other diseases such as coronary heart disease and cardiac arrest. Hence, the nurse is required to make observations and note problems relating to the changes in the rate, rhythm, and manner of breathing. From the assessment made, hypoxia can be handled by the nurse through determining the pace and rhythm of the heartbeat which enables her to provide the appropriate medication for the illness and prescribe it accordingly. According to the Ropers module, this is the third stage of the nursing process, and it provides evidence of how the nurse intervenes to solve the problem that the patient may be experiencing. It made possible due to the range of knowledge and skill that the nurse has and being an expert in her field of work. The nurse advice the patient on the importance of having more oxygen in the body to get rid of the illness. The nurse may issue the patient with an inhaler so that it can make breathing more comfortable for the patient. Inhalers fall under the category of primary treatments for hypoxia because they deliver high oxygen levels that a patient may need (Stern and AESRX LLC, 2013). If the patient does not respond to this medication the in the nurse would try to give medicine through the veins in the arms and the use of a little of the steroid drugs for purpose within a limited time to shrink the inflammation in the lungs of the patient. For the treatment of a moderate and severe hypox ia patient, medications administered to the patient in prescribed dosage at the intervals of 1-2 hours. The use of best dosage levels provides the patient with better chances of recovering faster. The other step the nurse may undertake for the welfare of the patient is giving the patient dosage that can handle the adverse effects of the illness such as heart rate, respiratory rate and pressure of the blood (Stern and AESRX LLC, 2013).According to the Roper's module, any nursing care plan implemented will have numerous benefits to the patient. This also provides the base for providing the care that a patient may need as his or her situation continues to change. At this stage is where the nurse evaluates whether the care and medication they gave the patient has efficiently worked on making the patient feel better (DOENGES MOORHOUSE, 2012, p. 130). For instance, the patient who was suffering from hypoxia has resolved the breathing problem he had by doing deep-breathing exercises which have helped in oxygen restoration in the blood and tissues of the patient. Furthermore, the use of the inhaler has contributed to the oxygen restoration in the blood of the patient, and this has made his breathing rate to be normal since he is no longer trying to gasp for air. At this stage, the nurse can readjust to priorities she had made earlier if by the end of the evaluation it will not have accomplished them. References Banet, M.J., Zhou, Z., Kopotic, R.J., Dhillon, M.S., Terry, A.S. and Henk, V.I., Sotera Wireless Inc 2013,Device for determining respiratory rate and other vital signs. U.S. Patent 8,506,480. DOENGES, M. E., MOORHOUSE, MF 2012,Application of nursing process and nursing diagnosis: an interactive text for diagnostic reasoning. Philadelphia, PA, F.A. Davis Company. GEHRIG, J. S., WILLMANN, DE 2013,Patient assessment tutorials: a step-by-step procedures guide for the dental hygienist. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Moura, G.N.D., Nascimento, J.C.D., Lima, M.A.D., Frota, N.M., Cristino, V.M. and Caetano, JA 2015, Activities of living of disabled people according to the Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing.Northeast Network Nursing Journal,16(3). Roper, N., Logan, W.W. and Tierney, AJ 2012, Model of nursing: explanatory booklet. SHELLEDY, D. C., PETERS, JI 2016,Respiratory care: patient assessment and care plan development. Smith, J. and Rushton, M 2015, How to perform respiratory assessment.Nursing Standard (2014+),30(7), p.34. Stern, W., AESRX LLC 2013,Treatment for hypoxia. U.S. Patent Application 13/547,462.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Prospective Essay Example For Students
The Prospective Essay Companies are traveling more and more places. In these times, major firms are no longer located in the heart of industrial regions. They move to more rural settings and away from the pollution, crime and over inflated land prices. Thus moving the market from the major airports. If many companies want to acquire the big sale or the big contract, they have to go to the client. In most situations airlines are the fastest of all available travel methods. But are airlines the best way and the most economical way to do business in this time and era? Corporate aviation is a viable way for many companies to reach the few and far between potential clients without using the major airports. Therefore, wasting time by commuting to the major city where the airport is located is no longer necessary. By utilizing small aircraft and by landing at the small mom and pop airports, right to where the potential client is located, extra time can be spent selling the company. In this paper the idea of util izing corporate aircraft will be discussed as well as choosing the right aircraft for the needs of a business. Also, there are many factors to decide upon once the aircraft has been considered and determined to be a viable option. A company would have many options to consider in trying to acquire an airplane. Whether to buy or lease, or to hire a separate firm to handle all maintenance and management aspects of owning an airplane. All these subjects will be touched upon and thus selling the prospective. We will write a custom essay on The Prospective specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In order to do a comparison on which type of aircraft to buy, a base needs to be established. In this study a sample company and its travel habits will be used. A company in Omaha, Nebraska is in the business of selling widgets. The company has been growing and therefore doing a fair amount of traveling to other states. Their travel habits have been one weekly trip to Colorado Springs. Also, to St. Cloud, Minnesota twice a week, 1 weekly trip to Dallas, Texas and finally one miscellaneous trip to any given metropolis hub, for example New York City, New York. A combined total of $3320.00 is being spent on transportation. This amount doesnt include the executives time that is being wasted during travel. The executive sales person makes $200,000 per year not including yearly sales bonuses and an average 50 hour work week . The sales people make an average of $2,000,000 dollars a year in new profits for the company, thus making the salespersons hourly worth $845.00 dollars per hour plus the assistants worth $400.00. A combined total of $1245.00 of revenue per hour. Now, time that is spent in airports and taxi rides and other time consuming problems, such as delays, there is less time spent with clients thus making the earning potential less than what it could be. Now, by utilizing a corporate aircraft, time can be more effectively spent on the customer. How can that be so? The small aircraft can be utilized by bringing the salesperson to the client in a faster and more efficient manner. By landing at a smaller and closer airport, less time is being taken by driving to and from the air field, therefore making it a very cost effective choice for a company to utilize a small aircraft. By following the chart available, the cost of the airplane tickets and time usage can be determined. Included in the time is layovers and driving times to and from the airport plus round trip air time. All prices are coach because there is not a business class or first class available ou t of Omaha. Destination from Omaha PriceTime Colorado Springs$655.005.0hrsAs one can see, flying out of Omaha is no small task and is very expensive. One cost that is also not depicted on this chart is the amount of revenue per hour each trip costs. A combined total of $37,800 of executive sales time is lost. All together the cost of flying commercial is $41,120 per week. How can this number be brought down? By the use of a corporate aircraft time can be saved. Roughly half the time can be recovered from this number. Most of the smaller, private air fields are located directly in, or close to the meeting city. This helps to avoid large crowds and the unwelcome layovers of the larger airports. All of which can save valuable company time. Why choose to have a corporate aircraft? If the company executive using the airplane saves an average of five hours a week by using the airplane, it saves the company at least $6,000 per week in just travel time by the executive. The cost of the average seat mile of a business aircraft is between .30 to .50 cents per seat mile. Therefore making it very affordable. Also, in order to be more adequately prepared than the competition the corporate team can prepare on the aircraft for the up coming presentation. This is saving time, and as shown on the last chart, the company representatives time is worth a great deal of money. The first impression in any new business meeting is very important. The customer realizes that a company means business when they fly into town on their own airplane. The use of a corporate aircraft can also be a great bargaining chip to enhance a new salesperson to the company. Finally, the airplane is a great way to show progress to its competitors making them no t likely to rival your corporation. Since the company shows potential for a corporate aircraft, what type of aircraft should it consider, new or used? That is a very difficult question because the company is very new to the airplane business. There are many more variables that need to be looked at when deciding upon a used aircraft compared to a new aircraft. The company has decided to go with buying a brand new aircraft rather than buying used. The company feels that a purchase of this size should be for an asset not a liability. They do not intend to use an aircraft brokerage firm, but decide to make the decision themselves. Another option they have available to them is whether to purchase a turbo jet aircraft or a turbo prop aircraft. The comparison of the two is needed to establish what the companys needs are in order to make a choice that will be most cost effective for the corporation, not just now but in the future also. Both aircraft are roughly the same size and can sometim es have a considerable difference in price. For this study the two aircraft the company is looking at are the Beechcraft King Air 200 and the Beechjet 400A. .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .postImageUrl , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:visited , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:active { border:0!important; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:active , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shylock - Victim or Villian EssayFirst, a summation of both aircraft and how they operate. The Beechcraft Super King Air Be-200 is a twin turbo prop aircraft and a great starter aircraft for any small business. It has seating for eight passengers plus one pilot. Its true air speed is 294 knots and a maximum range of 1,850 miles at 27,000 feet. The interior space is limited to a cabin width of 4.5 feet, cabin height 4.8 feet, and cabin length of 16.7 ft. As one can see, this aircraft does not offer a great amount of space to get up and walk around in. The maximum load the aircraft can operate with is 2,940. The draw back of a turbo prop is the noise that the props make beca use of the placement of the engines to the fuselage. The range is not a problem here, the longest trip would be to New York and the pilot could refuel there. The runway needed to operate the airplane is 3000 feet. This is good because a fair amount of runways are opened to this model. The overall cost would be $3.3 million dollars. The Beechjet 400-A is an 8 passenger 2 pilot aircraft. It also is a great starter aircraft with growth potential. It has a cruising speed of 460 knots and a range of 1,560 miles. The interior cabin is 4.9 feet wide and a height of 4.75 feet. The length of the cabin is 15.6 feet. The length of runway needed to operate the jet is 4,500 feet. The length of field to operate this aircraft inhibits its possibilities. The maximum load weight is 2,490 pounds and that includes 950 pounds of baggage. The main bragging right of this aircraft is its interior options. It offers a wet bar and fully reclining seats. The cost of this aircraft $5.9 million dollars. Both aircraft offer similar options and are relatively close in operational distance. The choosing of an aircraft by price is not the only driving factor for aircraft selection. For example the amount of work that can be done on a turbo prop plane is less productive than on a jet. This is due to the noise and the lower altitudes that the turboprop must fly. The time saved by using the jet is more cost effective. However, the jet needs more runway length for take off compared to the King Air thus making the jet more restricted to which airports it can land at, making the propeller plane more effective. The King Air has smaller interior space which can make the passengers cramped and will not be as forgiving as the Beechjet. The overall opinion within the company is to purchase the Beechjet. It has more potential for growth considering the rapidly expanding company that it will support. The overall ride and safety of the jet far outweighs the necessity for a longer runway. The flying s peed of 460 knots gives the Beech jet the capability to be anywhere at a moments notice. Thus making the it a more feasible choice for this business. Even though the Beechjet is $1.5 million more expensive, the cruise speed will make up the money in travel time by getting passengers to the destination sooner. Since the business has decided that the Beechjet 400 will suit their needs the best, the company now needs to decide on how to purchase this aircraft. They can either use conventional financing, as you would with a vehicle, or by using a number of other options to cover its new investment. For example the use of joint ownership, wet leasing, or dry leasing. The company decides on sole ownership of the corporate jet and is going to finance the entire venture. They based their decision on the profit that could be made through the selling of the used aircraft in the future and also deducting the maintenance costs of the aircraft from taxes. The following chart depicts the financing schedule that the finance company has shown them. The financing is based on a 120 month loan with 10% down payment. Financing termsAircraft Purchase Price $5,900,000Annual Usage 400Aircraft resale value(% of purchase price) 80%Sales Tax 6%Basis for Depreciation $6,254,000Down Payment 10%Aircraft Loan (includi ng sales tax)$5,628,600 Monthly payments (120 months @ 7.00%)$46,905By deciding to go with a corporate jet the company is now paying $47,000 in ownership costs per month. By using a corporate aircraft the company will show an initial savings of $117,480 dollars a month by way of the commercial aviation routes cost. The benefit of owning this aircraft is a definite improvement for the business and the financial strength for this corporation. .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .postImageUrl , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:visited , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:active { border:0!important; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:active , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless in America EssayFinancing costs are not the only debit that the company will incur. The other two major areas that need to be covered are insurance and fixed base operation costs. Both are two very important bills that are required in order to own and operate an airplane safely and efficiently. Insurance for the aircraft is very similar to what an individual would need for a vehicle. However, one major difference in the decision for insurance between a vehicle and a corporate jet is a value of several million dollars. Insurance is broken into three main areas; physical damage, sometimes referred to as hull insurance, aircraft liability insurance, and airport liability insurance. Hull insurance is basically what it sounds like. It covers the aircraft against any physical damage that it might incur. Aircraft liability insurance covers third parties that are associated with the aircraft. This type of insurance protects the owner of the aircraft from any liability suits that occur during flight operations. For example, any unforeseen accidents which may occur while passengers are on board the aircraft. Finally, airport liability insurance is used to cover the owner who rents or owns a hanger at an airport. The insured is covered against any accidents that might occur at any of the ground locations around the aircraft. Insurance is very complicated and should be approached carefully with sound mind and a good lawyer. To make insurance as simple as possible, the insurance will be approximately 6% of the cost of the aircraft. In this scenario the insurance will be $30,087 per month. Now that the aircraft has been purchased, who will run the day to day maintenance of this aircraft? This company does not have the experience to handle all the maintenance schedules and employment that this aircraft demands. The company has decided to contract out to a fixed base of operations firm. This firm will basically run the everyday flight operations, hanger fees, refueling, inspection and safety schedules, and all general maintenance. The price of this service, for example, would be dependent on the aircraft usage. About 10% of the initial investment of the aircraft will suffice as the operational costs. Finally making the monthly operations cost $49,166. This study has shown a number of different areas that must be considered to purchase an aircraft. One might ask if the whole investment was worth this companys attention. When the company was using strictly commercial schedules, it was losing very valuable time which cost the company $164,480 dollars per month. Now, by utilizing the corporate aircraft, operating costs would be $126,158 dollars a month. Using the jet aircraft instead of commercial aviation not only saves the company $38,000 dollars per month but it has the flexibility to go anywhere at anytime.Bibliography:Works CitedFlint, Perry and Henderson, Danna K. (March 1997). American at Bay. Air Transport World, 28(September1998). American Airlines Homepage(online). Available: 1997). History of American Airlines(online). Available: 1998). Oneworld Alliance(online). Available:
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