Monday, May 18, 2020
The Conflict Of The United States - 855 Words
The definition of genocide must of recently changed without many individuals being aware, unless the current ongoing pertinent issue did not want to be addressed in the twenty-first century. In the largest country in Africa, it is unimaginable that a genocide conducted by their government continues while the rest of the world does nothing. The largest country in Africa is Sudan, which is located on the northeastern side of Africa. The western region of Sudan is the primary focus, Darfur. This region of Sudan has experienced for years a consistent war that overtime has become forgotten. In the twenty-first century, it is difficult to realize that an actual genocide is happening. The individuals in this region are experiencing a harsh and difficult life that begin in the year of 2003. Given, the conflict of Darfur began in the year of 2003 involving over 300,00 people being murdered and more then two million being displaced. Everyday individuals are being raped, murdered, displaced, a nd their villages are being burned down. The violence increases and individuals begin to believe that the raids were supported by the government. Otherwise, the government would of ceased the treatment. The armed forces of the government in Sudan are at an ongoing war with two rebel groups. The armed forces that is supported by the government is known as Janjaweed, literally meaning Devils on horseback. The two rebels group declare that their goals are to force the government of Sudan toShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Of The United States1380 Words  | 6 PagesThe beginning of the United States is largely rooted in a history of conflict. Lost in this history are the struggles of Native-Americans who played an integral role in shaping the nation. The development of the United States is a dialogue of culture clash wherein Indigenous nations desperately fought for their survival against conquering cultures and ideologies. 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